Homework may serve multiple purposes: to work toward mastery or extend knowledge of standards already addressed in class, to prepare for a new skill or concept, and to develop positive work habits. The specific type and amount of homework are determined at the site level. Principals are responsible for ensuring that teachers assign appropriate homework and provide clear guidelines and relevant, immediate feedback to students. Homework shall not be assigned as punishment.

Homework is assigned to reinforce material already taught and to foster habits of independent study. It is assigned on a daily basis Monday through Thursday and may include written work, reading, memorization and studying for tests. Normally, weekend homework is not given, but extra reading and long-range projects may be part of the student's weekend activities from time to time. Long-range research assignments should be carefully time/planned so as to avoid last minute rush efforts.

A student will benefit if parents help foster systematic study habits in their children.  Please consider the folllowing for your students' homework:

  • Adequate study space and lighting; adequate materials,supplies and reference material
  • Proper environment free from distractions, particularly cell phones, I-pods, television, computer and video games or other electronics
  • A definite place and time for daily independent study
Note the time spent on assignments and feel free to discuss this with the classroom teacher if issues arise.  If your child says he or she does not have homework, please make sure you have checked his/her assignment notebook as well as SchoolSpeak.  Parents are encouraged to superivse all computer use by their children in the home.

Time allotments, as follow; are structured for the average student:

Grades 1 - 2                         Not to exceed one-half hour.

Grades 3 - 4                         Not to exceed one hour.

Grades 5 - 6                         Not to exceed 1-1/2 hours.

Grades 7 - 8                         Not to exceed two hours.

Time allotments are for assigned homework. They do not include time a student takes to complete work not finished during class time. All parents are urged to take an active interest in the child's homework. It is the responsibility of the student to see to it that assignments are properly written down daily in the required student assignment book or iPad app and are completed on time. A written excuse from a parent will be accepted if illness or a family situation prevents a student from doing his/her homework. The student will, however, be expected to make up incomplete work within a reasonable amount of time (ex. 2 days for one day's absence.) Unexcused absence or lateness will result in lower grades for coursework. When a student is absent, a parent may place a telephone request for homework assignments before 9:00 a.m. for pick-up the same day after 2:30 p.m. If you feel that your child is having unusual difficulty in completing homework assignments, please confer with your child's teacher.

In 4th through 8th grades, a Referral slip for homework and/or work habits is given to students as a warning for not following classroom rules.  These referrals will be either hand-generated or sent to the parents through SchoolSpeak. Three Referrals will result in a parent-teacher conference and/or result in a lower work habits grade. Six Homework and/or Work Habits Referrals will result in a detention.

