Skip Navigation LinksSt. Pius X - St. Matthias Academy > chapter-5-ACADEMICS > section-5-05-Supplies and Textbooks


Students are expected to purchase the required textbooks for each course prior to the start of the course. Failure to have the required books and materials will negatively impact the students ability to be successful in the course.


1. Write name in three different locations in each textbook.

2. Lock lockers securely.  Do not leave locks in set  positions.

3. Do not leave texts, backpacks or personal belongings unattended.

4. Students or former students may not sell used textbooks on or near the PMA campus.  PMA students are discouraged from buying used textbooks from present or former students.  Such books on the approved list may be sold back to the bookstore at a reduced rate on the assigned calendar dates.  This policy will hopefully discourage textbook theft.

5. Inform teacher of theft before class ends.

