Parent/Student Handbook
The Parent/Student Handbook can be created through a template specially developed for archdiocesan schools. The template automatically populates those sections of the Handbook that require verbatim text from the Administrative Handbook. The Parent-Student Handbook Checklist provides instructions on how to access the template. See Content Outline for Your Parent/Student Handbook and the Parent/Student Handbook Template Guide for information on creating the content for your school's personalized Parent/Student Handbook.
Particular school policies must be clearly stated in the Parent/Student Handbook and must be consistent with archdiocesan policy as stated in this Administrative Handbook. All school policies should be reviewed annually to determine that they remain consistent with updated archdiocesan policies.
The Parent/Student Handbook shall contain a statement that reserves the right of the school administration to amend the handbook at any time. Parents/guardians and students must be promptly notified in writing of any amendments.
Parents/guardians and students must sign an agreement form each year that acknowledges their agreement to be governed by the handbook and the right of the school to make amendments (see the Parent/Student Policies Agreement Form). It is also recommended that this agreement form be included in the enrollment/re-enrollment contract.