
Consistent school attendance is absolutely essential for your child’s success at school.  Attendance problems hinder your child’s progress and teach him/her that school is not important. Walking into class late or checking out early interrupts teachers and students. 

Every absence must be recorded in Gradelink according to the instructions from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. 

  • ​​When a student is absent, the parent must submit a written excuse, in accordance with state law, using the form in Gradelink before 8:30am.

  • If a student comes to school ill or becomes ill during the school day the office will call the parent/guardian to pick up the student.  Parents must choose a person on the emergency list to pick up the child if the parent cannot make it within thirty (30) minutes.  

  • California Education Code 48263.6 defines chronic truants as children who have missed 10 percent of the school year or 18 days.


If a student comes to school ill or becomes ill during the school day the office will call the parent/guardian to pick up the student.  Parents must choose a person on the emergency list to pick up the child if the parent cannot make it within thirty (30) minutes.  

If the child is sent home with a fever of 99.9 degrees or above, the child must stay home for 24 hours after the fever subsides.  Please do not send your children if they are ill.  We do not have the facilities or personnel to take care of sick children who come to school unwell.  

Completing Work when Absent

If your child is absent their work will be left on their desk for pick up at the end of the day at 3:00 pm or 12:30 on half days.  Other siblings may go to the classroom and pick up the work at the end of the day.  It is the responsibility of the student and parent to keep track of missing assignments.

TK – 5th Grade Policy

Books, workbooks, and missing assignment lists will be on their desk in the classroom  for pick up at the end of the day at 3:00 pm or 12:30 on half days.  Other siblings may go to the classroom and pick up the work at the end of the day.  Homework assignments will be posted on SchoolSpeak.  It is the responsibility of the student and parent to keep track of missing assignments.  Points will be deducted for work turned in late.

6th – 8th Grades Policy

Books, workbooks, and missing assignment lists will be on their desk in the classroom  for pick up at the end of the day at 3:00 pm or 12:30 on half days.  Other siblings may go to the classroom and pick up the work at the end of the day.  Homework and daily assignments will be posted on Google Classroom.  It is the responsibility of the student and parent to keep track of missing assignments.

Grading Policy

6th – 8th Grade Late Work Policy

If a student does not have their assignment with them in class at the start of class or turned in by the designated time in Google Classroom the assignment will be considered late.  Each day an assignment is late, it is 10% off the final grade.  If an assignment is not turned in on the fourth day, it will be given a maximum of 50%.  The student is required to complete the missing work even if it is late.  After attempts have been made by the teacher to obtain the missing work and it is still not turned in within 1 week, the teacher will give the student a 0% with no opportunity to complete the work at a later date.  It is the students and parent’s responsibility to check students’ missing work on Google Classroom and grades on SchoolSpeak at least once a week.

Make Up Work Time Frame

Days Absent

1 - 2 days 2 days to complete work or to take any missing test.

3 – 4 days 3 days to complete work or to take any missing test.

5 – 6 days 4 days to complete work or to take any missing test.

7 – + 5 days to complete work or to take any missing test.

Working over the weekend is strongly encouraged to complete missing work.

