Homework is a tool used to reinforce learning by encouraging further research by organizing and applying knowledge, and by practicing necessary basic skills.  Parents are encouraged to provide children a homework space free from distraction and that is conducive to good study habits.  If a problem arises with completing homework, teachers must be informed.  Any make-up work due to tardiness or absence or incomplete homework must be completed per teacher instructions.  Repeatedly not completing assignments may result in an Incomplete Grade.  Teachers notify parents when there are missing assignments.  Students may turn work in the following day for a lower grade.  A sick child can make up work over the weekend for full credit.  If there is an issue with completing homework in the allotted time, they will write a note of explanation and have parents sign it.  If a student repeatedly cannot complete assignments in the allotted time, parents should discuss with the teacher.  The school provides each student with a planner where students are required to write daily assignments.  Parents are strongly encouraged to check daily homework.  Distractions should be eliminated during homework time with weeknight activities detrimental to schoolwork being discouraged.  Grades K-8 should have some homework each night.  Each student should be reading 20 minutes per day whether school is in session or not.  Homework assignments are available on the school website on individual class pages.

Archdiocesan Homework regulations are as follows:
1.  Grades 1-2 not to exceed one half hour.
2.  Grades 3-6 not to exceed one hour.
3.  Grades 7-8 not to exceed two hours.

The following guidelines apply:

·       Assignment of written homework is limited to days on which the school is in session, unless make-up work or long-range assignments are required.
·       Homework shall not be assigned as punishment.
·       The principal and teacher will consult to determine homework requirements for students with modified curriculums.  Responsibility for knowing and completing class and homework assignments on time is an essential building block of good study skills.  Parents can help develop this trait in their children by holding them accountable for writing down their assignments, bringing home the proper book(s), and counseling them should they receive a Homework Notice for work that is late or missing.

Middle School late work Policy:
If a student does not have their assignment with them in class at the start of class or turned in by the designated time in google classroom, the assignment will be considered late.  Each day an assignment is late, it 10% off.  If an assignment is not turned in on the third day it will be given a 65%.  If a student is absent, the missing work policy applies.​

