To effectively partner with parents/guardians and meet local reporting needs, the archdiocesan report card is the official vehicle to report student academic progress as well as work habits and behavior to parents/guardians.

The purpose of report cards is to effectively communicate student progress in achieving learning goals. The marks for content area subjects reflect student mastery of grade-level standards. Work habits, including homework completion and behavior, are be recorded separately in their respective sections.

Report cards ​ include a legend that clearly explains the criteria applied for each grade. Report cards may not include information that identifies students as having a disability. 

Grading is individually done by each teacher, using the archdiocesan scales.  Information is given out at “Back-to-School Night." Grades do not indicate the ability of the individual, but an average of actual performance and effort of an individual.

  1. A student will receive an “A" for doing superior work, which means the synthesis of ideas and original ideas about the topic.
  2. A student will receive a “C" for doing average work, which is reproducing exactly what is taught in class.​

