Packets are sent home Monday - Thursday as well as SeeSaw assignments August - December. In January, Homework is sent home daily.
Homework packets are sent home on Monday and are to be returned on Friday.
First Grade/Second Grade:
Homework packets are sent home on Monday and are to be returned on Friday. Math homework is turned in daily.
There is approximately 20-30 minutes of homework per night, Monday through Thursday, with an additional 15-20 minutes of daily reading encouraged.
Third Grade/Fourth Grade:
There is approximately 30 minutes of homework per night, Monday through Thursday. Students are expected to read 30 minutes each night at home.
Fifth Grade to Eighth Grade:
There is approximately 45 minutes of homework per night, Monday through Thursday. There is an additional 30 minutes of reading per night, Monday through Thursday.
Homework is an integral part of the learning process. Homework will be given to reinforce concepts learned in class. It will consist of worksheets, studying for quizzes and tests, reading, and special projects.
3rd – 8th grade students are required to use the school-issued student planner and the Take Home Folder.
The following tips will greatly help with organization:
The student’s name should be on the cover of the student planner.
Write the day and date at the top of each page.
Keep the assignment book with the student in each class.
Write down assignments as soon as the teacher writes and/or posts the assignments on the board or via teacher or school website. Assignments should be copied exactly as written/posted.
All books needed to complete homework are to be brought home by the student.
Reminders or notes regarding items to bring from home to school should be written at the bottom of the assignment page.
Students should remember to double-check the assignment book with the assignment list posted by the teacher.