St. Mel School-Wide Learning Expectations (SLEs)
Catholic Tradition and Faith Formation
Central to the philosophy of St. Mel School is the mission to provide an atmosphere in which students learn the teachings, values, and beliefs of the Catholic Church, develop a solid moral character…and grow in confidence, integrity, and faith. (Philosophy of St. Mel School, Archives of the Sisters of St. Louis)
St. Mel Students are active Catholics who:
- Know and practice the Catholic faith
- Serve others with compassion
- Act with kindness and respect
Academic Excellence
St. Mel School is dedicated to providing a holistic education with the purpose of developing all students' spiritual, academic, social, emotional, physical, and creative potential. (Philosophy of St. Mel School)
St. Mel students are creative and critical thinkers who demonstrate proficiency in:
- Core academic subjects
- Higher-level thinking and learning skills
- Responsible use of technology for learning, research, and growth
- Communicating in both the written and spoken word
Personal Growth
St. Mel School encourages the students to live in the world as persons of integrity and courage…as they embrace their faith, strive for success in all areas of life, and commit to making a difference in the world. (Mission Statement of St. Mel School, Mission Statement of the Sisters of St. Louis)
St. Mel students are self-aware individuals who:
- Respect themselves and take responsibility for their words and actions
- Balance spiritual, academic, extracurricular, and social activities
- Express themselves in both the visual and performing arts
- Celebrate being an American and appreciate cultural diversity and inclusion