Skip Navigation LinksSt. Mel > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-03-History of the School

​St. Mel Elementary School opened in February 1957 ​under the leadership of the Immaculate Heart Sisters. It began with first through fifth grades only.  The Sisters of St. Louis took over this fledgling ministry of educating children the next year and added both sixth and seventh grades. Eighth grade immediately followed in 1959. St. Mel Elementary School continued to expand, and in 1962 it opened 12 new classrooms and offices.  A half-day kindergarten was added in 1983, and a computer lab, reading lab, and faculty lounge were constructed one year later.  The acquisition of two portable classrooms in 1993 facilitated the inception of the present full-day kindergarten program.  The most recent expansion to the physical plant is the Monsignor O'Connor Activity Center, which was built in 1998 along with the renovation of the Church.  With God's blessings and your help, St. Mel will continue its growth.​

