Believing in the need for character education within the school, the faculty and staff have made a commitment to create a moral community and a moral culture by using the following models based on the book, Beyond Discipline: From Compliance to Community by Alfie Kohn

  • Faculty/student written school/classroom rules and consequences posted in the classroom, the hallways and on the playground

  • Class meetings

  • Cooperative Learning

  • Problem Solving:

  1. Ask to Stop

  2. Move Away

  3. Ask for Help

  • Role Playing

  • Moral Dilemmas

  • The use of student input for playground activities

  • “School Families”

  • Model expected behavior

  • Discussions with individual students to promote acceptance of behavior, consequences and plans for improvement

  • Other suggestions recommended and selected by individual teacher

By making this commitment we hope to promote healthy self-esteem, responsibility, respect, honesty, fairness, tolerance, self-discipline, helpfulness, compassion, courage and several democratic values. As Catholic school teachers we have the right to postpone the teaching of any subject matter to promote character education. It is understood that all faculty and staff members must be consistent in using these models to promote a school-wide discipline plan. Effective discipline is also maintained when there is parental support for all school policies.


School pride is reflected in attitudes and behavior. Students at Saint Jane Frances de Chantal show their spirit and enthusiasm by demonstrating good manners, proper speech and conduct, wearing the school uniform, as well as caring for school property. Respect for the school is shown by striving to treat all learning materials, classroom equipment, play equipment, and furniture with care. Every student at Saint Jane Frances de Chantal is responsible for following the rules in this handbook as well as those announced throughout the school year. To maintain good order, safety, and respect for one another, please pay special attention to the following:

  • Disrespecting  teachers, staff members and other adults will not be tolerated. Students who do so may be given a conduct report which will seriously affect their behavior grade.

  • Any behavior that disrupts the learning process for fellow students or teachers will not be tolerated. We expect a​ll students to act appropriately in the classroom environment.​

  • Cheating, including assisting in giving answers to another, will not be tolerated and will result in a grade of “F”. A student’s behavior grade will also be seriously affected by cheating.

  • Running in the school breezeways/classrooms is not permitted.

  • Loud talking, shouting, whistling, and generally disruptive conduct in the breezeways and classrooms is always unacceptable because it disturbs and distracts others.

  • Profanity including, but not limited to, gestures, symbols, verbal, written, etc. is prohibited during school and at all school sponsored activities. Obscene materials including, but not limited to illustrations (drawings, painting, photographs, etc.) and oral or written materials (books, letters, poems, tapes, CDs, videos, etc.) which are commercially or student produced are prohibited. 

  • Students are responsible for having homework, lunches, books, etc. when they arrive at school in the morning and when they leave in the afternoon. Students may not call home for forgotten items and will not be given to them if brought by the parents except under special circumstances. Classrooms will not be unlocked after school for forgotten homework, etc. except under special circumstances.

  • When the 7:45 AM bell rings students must go to line immediately, have shirt tails tucked in and be ready to go to assembly.

  • When the whistle is blown at recess or lunch, students must stop playing, freeze until the yard supervisor sends them to the restroom, tuck in their shirt tails and walk to their class line immediately. Students need to stop talking when the bell rings.

  • Everyone is expected to do her/his part in keeping the school clean. Wastebaskets are provided for trash. Lunch areas are to be cleaned before playing. Classroom floors and desks are to be kept neat and clean.

  • Chewing gum anywhere in the school is never permitted before, during, or after school, and will result in a $5.00 fine after the first warning. Money will be given to Pan da Vida.

  • Use of the Internet to harass or annoy another student will result in probation and/or possible expulsion.

  • Fighting, harassing, and prolonged teasing will never be tolerated. Students involved in such incidents may be suspended and may also be subject to the Archdiocesan policies on harassment. ​

  • During announcements and assemblies students should be attentive and listen to the information given. At no time may they respond to the person making the announcement unless asked. This is not a time for talking or reading.

  • Students are never permitted to be in a classroom, the Gym or the cafeteria without a teacher or staff member present.

  • Bicycles must be walked on the school grounds at all times. Skates, scooters and skateboards may not be used on campus.

  • Each student is given a set of textbooks. If any book is lost or damaged, the student will pay to replace the book. Failure to pay may result in loss of registration privileges. Books must be neatly covered AT ALL TIMES. Missing book covers may result in a conduct report.

  • Absolutely no writing of any kind is allowed on backpacks, book covers, binders, etc. and may result in confiscation of the same, as well as, a conduct report.

  • No radios, CD players, iPods, electronic games, pagers, cellular phones, trading cards, magazines, etc. are permitted at school or on a field trip unless approved by the principal. Inappropriate items will be sent to the principal’s office and kept until a parent/guardian picks them up.

  • The school telephone is for official business only. Permission to use the school office phone for student emergency calls must be requested at the office. Forgotten homework, lunches, books, PE clothes, etc. DO NOT constitute an emergency.

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Students STOP, THINK, RESPECT

For God, self, others and country and Accept Responsibility

Classroom Rules

• Be presentable

• Come prepared to learn

• Be respectful

• Show kindness to others

• Always allow others to learn

• Take care of school property

Possible Consequences

• Verbal warning to student

• Call home

• C​onduct report​ with 30 minutes of service 

• Parent Teacher Conference

  • 1 conduct report - Student ineligible for Honorable Roll and Behavior Grade automatically dropped one grade

  • 3 conduct reports- Student Suspension

  • Further disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, additional suspensions up to and including expulsion.

  • 2 suspensions will result in an expulsion.


 Discipline is an aspect of moral guidance and not a form of punishment. The purpose of discipline is to provide a school climate conducive to learning and one that promotes character development. Discipline is maintained in a classroom or school when students work cooperatively with the principal, the teachers, and their classmates towards the attainment of the class and school objectives. However, it should be noted that the legitimate interest of the school extends beyond the school day and beyond the school hours.



  1. Everyone is expected to follow directions the first time they are given.

  2. Show respect for all staff members and for the rights of other students. Aggressive behavior is not allowed. (No pushing, punching, fighting, wrestling, shoving, scratching, or biting, or pretending to push, punch, fight, wrestle, kick, shove, scratch or bite.)

  3. Because we show respect for others and their property, foul language, verbal abuse, teasing, bullying, harassing, disrespect, defacing school property, and gum chewing are not allowed.

  4. All students are to be in complete uniform each day. Students are required to follow the dress code both for the school uniform and free dress as written in the Parent Student Handbook. Extreme hairstyles, excessive jewelry and wearing of makeup are not allowed. It is understood that all decisions regarding acceptability of appearance rests with the principal.

  5. Students must be supervised by an adult at all times. Students may not be in any area of the school buildings and/or yard without proper supervision. The students are not to play on the school grounds before or after school unless they are involved in a supervised athletic event. Students are not allowed to leave the school yard before dismissal time unless accompanied by an adult.

Students should always do their best to follow and keep these rules. If they make a bad choice and fail to follow these rules, the following consequences will result. Any student who is unable to keep these school rules may be asked to attend another school. 

Each time a student chooses to break a school rule, a school conduct report will be completed by the supervising adult and the student will be sent to the Principal’s office. The school conduct report will be sent home and it must be returned the next day with a Parent/Guardian Signature before the student can be admitted to class. Discipline forms will be kept for the entirety of the student’s academic career at St. Jane Frances de Chantal. 


1st time any rule is not followed:

The student will be advised that the behavior must change with a verbal warning.

2nd time any rule is not followed:

1/2 hour after school: 3:30–4:00 PM and a phone call home to notify parents.

3rd time any rule is not followed:

1/2 hour after school: 3:00–3:30 PM and a phone call home to the parent/guardian requesting a Principal/Parent Conference.

4th time any rule is not followed:

Child will be sent to the office and a parent/guardian will be called immediately at work or at home for a Principal/Parent conference.

5th time any rule is not followed:

Suspension and an immediate conference to determine the student’s future at SJF.


