Cell phones and other portable communication devices (IPhones, Ipods, Ipads, Android/Windows phones, speaker devices, MP3 players, pagers, netbooks, reading devices) may be brought to school, however, all devices must be turned off and stored in a backpack, unavailable for student use during the school day The.device cannot be visible or accessible. Communication devices may not be turned on during the regular school day for any reason, except in an emergency and with the express permission of the responsible adult in authority.
This prohibition includes, but is not limited to study hall, lunch breaks, recesses, class changes or any other scheduled/non scheduled school activity that occurs during regular school hours. Students can use devices during their stay in the Knights Club after school program, with the permission of the Knights Club staff and only in the area designated as for this. Students will not have unlimited use of electronic devices during the after school programs. The use of these devices is at the sole discretion of the supervising adults.
Note that students are not allowed to use any personal communication device to take pictures of any students or any school community member during the school day.
If a student uses a communication device (or any of its functions) for any reason during a school activity without permission from a SEU staff member, the following measures will be taken:
- The device will be confiscated from the student by the supervising adult/teacher. The content on the device will be checked, and images will be deleted.
- The parent/guardian will be informed of the situation. The device will only be returned to the parent/guardian, and the student will receive a referral.
- Depending on the circumstances, the student may be denied the right to bring the device to school.
- Repeat violations of the policy will result in disciplinary measures appropriate to the incident, including suspension and expulsion.
- If a device is used for cheating, the student will be removed from the testing situation and their parent/guardian will be called. Disciplinary action steps will then be taken.
The school is not responsible for the lost, misplaced, stolen or broken communication devices, or for any unauthorized use of such devices. The school will not pay to replace devices that are lost, misplaced, stolen. The school is also not liable for any communication (device) charges.