If a child is absent from school, parents must notify the school office on/before the day of the absence. Parents are asked to call the school office (818-363-5515) and if it is after hours, to leave a voicemail message or email the Health Office (mcatherall@stemail.org). Upon returning to school after an absence, a written excuse stating the reason for the child’s absence must be presented to the teacher. The school accepts no liability for a student absence unless the parent has contacted the school to inform the school that the student will not be attending for the day. Students who come to school repeatedly without parent notification of the reason for absence will be required to come to the office for a re-admit slip that will be sent home for parent signature.
If a child is diagnosed with a contagious disease (i.e.COVID, lice, chicken pox, streptococcal virus, or conjunctivitis, etc.), parents must notify the school Health Office so that precautions can be taken and notifications sent home. In most cases, a physician’s statement will be required for the student to be able to return to school. A child may not return to school after an illness until a normal body temperature is maintained for a 24-hour period without the aid of fever-reducing medication.​



