Occasionally, a student may have a medical appointment and needs to be picked up early in the Health Room. At no time during the school day are pupils allowed to leave the school grounds, even during recess or lunch period, unless the student has been signed out by a designated adult (parent or those adults indicated on the student’s emergency card). If arrangements have been made for the child to be picked up, the parent or legal guardian must present himself/herself to the school Health Office (not the classroom) before the child is released. The child is then signed out and released to the authorized adult.
If someone other than the parent or guardian is picking up the child, a signed note from the parent or legal guardian must be presented before the child will be released. A child who re- enters school the same day must sign in at the school office and receive an admittance slip to go back to class. Students who do not have signed parental permission will not be allowed to go home with any other individual, including another student.​



