Students who are absent or tardy are held responsible for any work they may have missed. Students who miss more than 20 days per trimester are subject to failure or grade level retention at the end of the school year. An incomplete may be given, and all assignments/test will have to be made up upon the student’s return within a time limit set by the teacher(s). If the work is not completed in the specified time, the incomplete becomes a failure (F). Policies on being able to make up testing and assignments are as follows:
- Make-up tests are left to the discretion of each classroom teacher (teachers are given flexibility to set classroom policies with regards to make-up tests). If a student is not able to take a test due to school scheduling issues/unavailability of school staff to administer/monitor a test, the teacher will consider dropping the test grade from the overall subject average. This step will be considered if the student has made a good faith effort to make up missed work and assignments.
- Students are required to complete long term assignments (projects, reports) regardless of absenteeism.
- Parents are asked to contact the school if the child will be absent for an extended period of time. Arrangements can be made with the homeroom teacher/principal if the student needs extra time, or there are mitigating circumstances.