School Wide Learning Expectations: Soar with the A.N.G.E.L.S.*
A: Academically Prepared
Expectation | Measurable Examples |
- Uses critical thinking skills and applies problem-solving strategies
- Demonstrates the ability to utilize technology
- Displays knowledge of required curricula
| - Completes projects/assignments/homework on time
- Meets grade-level academic standards
- Uses technology to submit assignments
- Participates in academic events such as the Science Fair, Spelling Bee, Decathlon, Mathletes, and Geography Bee
- Understands and meets class learning objectives
- Attends field trips
- Utilizes technology to find information
- Maintains an academic portfolio
- Maintains awareness and accountability of grade and academic status
N: iNvolved in Parish and Community
Expectation | Measurable Examples |
- Demonstrates leadership
- Demonstrates self-discipline
- Possesses sound mind and body
- Demonstrates active membership within the parish, school, and local community
| - Participates in extracurricular activities
- Participates in service activities outside of school
- Volunteers for non-required academic activities
- Participates in parish activities
- Volunteers for leadership positions
- Makes a habit to serve the community
G: Globally Aware
Expectation | Measurable Examples |
- Respects the environment
- Appreciates multicultural diversity
- Serves others within their community
| - Visits cultural places
- Participates in cultural awareness activities in and out of school
- Cleans up after themselves
- Routinely reads the newspaper
- Volunteers for community clean-up activities
- Donates to community/mission collections
- Recycles
E: Effective Communicator
Expectation | Measurable Examples |
- Articulates ideas in both writing and speaking
- Displays the ability to work as both a leader and team member
| - Asks for clarification when needed
- Utilizes technology for learning, growth, and communicating ideas
- Orally expresses emotions in a positive and effective manner
- Asks permission appropriately
- Presents ideas orally and in writing
- Writes answers/responses in complete sentences
- Works cooperatively in groups
- Gives oral and written directions
- Equally contributes to group work and projects
- Actively participates in class
L: Life-long Learner
Expectation | Measurable Examples |
- Shows respect and is willing to learn
- Strives to be creative and appreciates the fine arts
- Positively plans for the future
| - Develops a passion for reading
- Takes notes in class without being asked
- Establishes goals for future college and career
- Respects authority
- Develops a hobby and commits to the hobby
- Actively seeks assistance in learning
- Works to earn placement in honors programs
S: Spiritually Responsive
Expectation | Measurable Examples |
- Has good moral character based on the teachings of Christ
- Prays and is active in their faith
- Understands the teachings of the Church
| - Participates in Mass
- Offers prayers in Petition Book
- Reads the Bible regularly
- Prays actively and respectfully
- Attends the Family rosary
- Participates in service projects and charity collections
- Participates in random acts of kindness without reward
- Attends religious celebrations
- Is a positive role model for their Little Buddies