School Uniform​*

Students are to attend Saint Mary School in the following established uniform: All uniforms must be kept clean, well kept, and properly sized (not too big or too small)

Formal Uniform – Required for Friday Masses, Award Ceremonies, and special events. The formal uniform can also be worn on regular school days.

Boys Grades TK – 8:

  •  Solid navy blue necktie
  •  White Oxford button shirt
  •  Navy V-neck sweater vest
  •  Dennis Uniform Khaki long pants
  •  Navy, black or white socks that cover at least the ankle
  • 100% black laced shoes (TK students must wear Velcro shoes only and Kindergarteners have the option of wearing Velcro shoes)
  • Boys must wear a black belt at all times (except TK)

Girls Grades TK – 5:   

  • White Oxford blouse
  • Dennis Uniform Grant Plaid – Center box pleated jumper
  • Navy cardigan sweater (on cold weather days)/Vest optional
  • Navy, black or white socks that cover at least the ankle
  • 100% black laced/Velcro shoes (TK students must wear Velcro shoes only and Kindergarteners have the option of wearing Velcro shoes)
  • No leggings allowed
  • Navy or white tights may be worn and must match with socks
  • Girls may wear shorts under their jumper​

Girls Grade 6 – 8:       

  • White Oxford blouse
  • Navy tie
  •  Dennis Uniform Grant Plaid pleated skirt
  • Navy V-neck sweater vest
  • Navy, black or white socks that cover at least the ankle
  • 100% black laced/Velcro shoes
  • No leggings allowed
  • Navy or white tights may be worn and must match with socks
  • Girls may wear shorts under their skirt

Casual Uniform -   Traditional regular school day school uniform

Boys & Girls:              

  • Blue or white polo shirt with school logo (may be short or long-sleeved)
  • Boys must wear a black belt at all times (except TK/Kindergarten)
  • Dennis Uniform khaki pants, shorts, or pleated skorts (for girls)
  • Navy, black or white socks that cover at least the ankle
  • 100% black laced/Velcro shoes (TK students must wear Velcro shoes only and Kindergarteners have the option of wearing Velcro shoes)
  • No leggings allowed
  • Navy, black, or white tights may be worn and must match with socks


PE Uniform

All students wear Salesian shirts with royal blue shorts or navy sweatpants with the school logo for colder weather. Students must wear appropriate athletic sneakers in any color. All sneakers must be tied; no slip-on tennis shoes (excluding TK).

Retreat Day

Students may wear their Salesian P.E. shirt, appropriately fitting dark blue jeans (no rips, no tight fitting or skinny jeans), black belt, and uniform shoes in place of their regular school uniform.


Winter Clothing

  • In winter, students may wear the Dennis Uniform blue jacket with the school logo or a navy blue coat/jacket - no exceptions.
  • In winter, girls may wear white, black, or navy tights and must match with socks; no leggings are allowed.
  • In winter, girls and boys may wear white or blue long-sleeved polo shirts with the school logo.
  • In winter, girls and boys may wear white or blue long-sleeved turtle necks/mock necks with matching colored polo shirts.
  • All accessories must be navy blue (e.g. scarves, mittens, gloves, beanies, and earmuffs).

General Appearance

  1. Uniforms are to be the appropriate size for the student and allow for growth during the year.
  2. The uniform shoe is an all-black laced/Velcro shoe.
  3. Shoes are to be the appropriate size and tied at all times. Shoes with lights, wheels, logos, or high-top shoes are not to be worn. TK students must wear Velcro shoes only and Kindergarteners have the option of wearing laced/Velcro shoes.
  4. Pants must be worn with the waist above the hipbone and secure enough that they will not fall if the belt is removed. No oversized or baggy pants will be permitted.
  5. Pants are not to touch the walking surface or have slits in them.
  6. Skirts are to be long enough to allow for modest movement at all times (no more than two inches above the knee).
  7. Shirts and blouses are to be tucked in at all times.


  • Girls may wear navy or royal blue, white, or khaki hair accessories.
  • Girls may wear only one set of small post earrings.
  • No jewelry is allowed with the exception of a wristwatch, one ring, and one necklace with a cross or saints. No bracelets or anklets are permitted (grades 4-8 only). No smartwatches.
  • Boys may not wear earrings in school.
  • The only make-up girls may wear is clear lip gloss and clear nail polish (may not bring to school).
  • Girls may not wear artificial or acrylic nails.
  • Only Saint Mary hats or visors may be worn in school.​


  • Boys are to have a neat, clean, moderate haircut that has an even, blended length (traditional haircut).
  • Boy's hair may not extend below the eyebrows, earlobe, or shirt collar. Mohawks, "fauxhawks," mullets, and textured fringe styles are not allowed. 
  • No student may shave his/her head or add shaved-in designs. We recommend a fade 3-4 for boys.
  • Tinted, bleached, lightened, streaked, frosted, or dyed hair is not acceptable for boys or girls.

Free Dress Days

Free Dress Days are scheduled during the school year:

  1. To raise funds for school projects.
  2. As part of prize programs.
  3. To celebrate a special event.

The dress code for Free Dress Days permits:

  1. Jeans – must fit appropriately and be without rips or tears; no skinny jeans allowed.
  2. Tennis shoes or shoes that cover the heels and toes of the foot. Princess shoes, heels, or shoes with wheels are not appropriate for school and cannot be worn.
  3. Modest clothing that promotes respect and safety. Shirts must have sleeves and the collar must be within an inch of the collar bone. Yoga pants, tank tops, crop tops, or shirts with spaghetti straps may not be worn. Shorts must be no more than two inches above the knee.​

The dress code for free dress will be modified by the Principal if the need arises.

If a pupil is out of compliance with the uniform standards of dress, grooming, or hygiene, and has been previously corrected in this regard a demerit will be issued. The cooperation of parents/guardians will be sought to correct the problem. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that the personal appearance of the student concurs with school standards. Lack of improvement in personal appearance is grounds for disciplinary action that can include the dismissal of a pupil during the school day. Parents/guardians will be called in order to pick up the student from school. This may result in the loss of free dress privileges. 

