
Student achievement and effort are acknowledged at the end of each trimester. Any suspensions will preclude a student from receiving honors for that trimester. GPAs are calculated based on the following academic subjects only: Religion, Math, Reading, Language, Social Studies, and Science. It does not include Music, Art, and P.E. Honors are awarded to students in Grades 3 -8 based on the following:

  • 1st Honors: 4.0 GPA and no more than 3 demerits and no suspensions
  • 2nd Honors: 3.99 - 3.75 GPA and no more than 7 demerits and no suspensions
  • 3rd Honors: 3.74 – 3.5 GPA and no more than 7 demerits and no suspensions
  • Honorable Mention: 3.49 – 3.0 GPA and no more than 7 demerits and no suspension
  • Commitment to Excellence: Character Award

Recognition Awards may be given to students in transitional kindergarten through second grade based on student achievement, behavior, and effort at the end of the year.

Cumulative Awards are presented at the end of the year: Students may receive the following awards:​

  • 1st Honors: 4.0 GPA and no more than 3 demerits for the entire year and no suspensions
  • 2nd Honors: 3.99 - 3.75 GPA and no more than 7 demerits for the entire year and no suspensions
  • 3rd Honors: 3.74 – 3.5 GPA and no more than 7 demerits for the entire year and no suspensions
  • Honorable Mention: 3.49 – 3.0 GPA and no more than 7 demerits for the entire year and no suspensions​

Honor Societies*

Saint Mary School maintains charters in the National Junior Honor Society. Junior high students may qualify for and maintain membership in the honor societies with the following requirements:

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS): 6th, 7th, and 8th graders maintaining 2 trimesters of a 3.5 Grade Point Average (GPA) or higher qualify to apply for NJHS Membership. Membership in the Saint Mary School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society is earned by the effective demonstration of the five qualities held in high esteem by the Society:  Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Citizenship, and Character.  Therefore, qualifying students must complete an application demonstrating these characteristics.  The application will go before a review board consisting of at least 5 teachers.  Qualifying students will be notified of their application status in a timely manner.  Accepted candidates will be inducted into the NJHS.  Membership in the NJHS is conditional upon maintaining a 3.5 GPA and high standards of character. All members must perform 18 hours of community service. Under the direction of the Faculty Moderator, they participate in service projects in the parish and community. Failure to observe Christian values/conduct and follow school rules are ground for dismissal.​

NJHS members in good standing will earn honor chords and a seal upon their diploma at graduation.  NJHS membership does not transfer to high school.  However, membership in the NJHS is held in high regard when applying for membership in high school honor societies.​

Graduation Awards*

The following awards are presented to qualifying graduating 8th graders:

  • Student Council Awards: Active 8th graders on Student Council
  • PTO Scholarship Awards: 2 winners of the PTO essay contest (details will go out in Spring)
  • Paraclete High School Scholarships:  Determined by Paraclete High School
  • Knights of Columbus Scholarships:   Determined by the Knights of Columbus
  • Christian Service Award:  One student who demonstrates the qualities of Character Counts in providing Christian service to Saint Mary School
  • Athlete of the Year:  One female and one male student with at least a 3.0 GPA who has the most hours participating in the Saint Mary School sports program.
  • Principal's Scholarship Award:  One student with at least a 3.5 GPA who best demonstrates school spirit as determined by Saint Mary School teachers
  • Pastor's Scholarship Award:  One student with at least a 3.0 GPA who best demonstrates Catholic values through knowledge of Religion, involvement in Christian service, and faith activities.
  • Salutatorian:  Student with the 2nd highest GPA in the 8th grade class.  If there is a tie, grades from 6th and 7th grade will be used.
  • Valedictorian:  Student with the highest GPA in the 8th grade class.  If there is a tie, grades from 6th and 7th grade will be used.
* 8th graders who have received a suspension throughout the school year, will not be eligible to receive the Student Council Award, the PTO Scholarship Award, the Christian Service Award, Athlete of the Year, the Principal's Award, the Pastor's Award, Salutatorian, and Valedictorian. 

