Our Lady of the Rosary of Talpa Elementary School
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section-2-01-Mission Statement and Philosophy
section-2-02-Integral Student Outcomes (ISO) / Learning Expectations
section-2-03-History of the School
section-2-05-Code of Christian Conduct
section-2-06-School Personnel Lists
section-2-07-School Schedule and Calendar
section-2-08-School Map
section-2-09-School website and social media
section-2-10-Zero Tolerance Policy for Sexual Misconduct
Currently selected
section-2-11-Safe Environment Training for Children and Youth
section-2-12-Guidelines for Adults Interacting with Minors at Parish or Parish School Activities or Events
section-2-13-Boundary Guidelines for Junior High and High School Youth Working or Volunteering with Children or Youth
section-2-14-Dress/Uniform Code
section-2-15-Relationship of School to Parish
section-2-16-School Governance
section-2-17-Parent/Student Complaint Review Process
Our Lady of the Rosary of Talpa Elementary School
section-2-10-Zero Tolerance Policy for Sexual Misconduct
Page Content
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9.10 - Zero Tolerance Policy
9.10 - Zero Tolerance Policy
<p>Under its <a href="https://lacatholics.org/megans-law/">Zero Tolerance policy</a>, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will not knowingly assign or retain a priest, deacon, religious, lay person, or volunteer to serve in its parishes, schools, other pastoral ministries, or in any other assignment when such an individual has previously engaged in the sexual abuse of a minor (person under 18 years of age).<br><br>To be clear, any person who has engaged in the sexual abuse of a minor under the age of 18:<br></p><ul><li><p>May not have any paid or volunteer assignment in any ministry in the archdiocese </p></li><li><p>May not engage in any paid or volunteer non-ministerial activity or event</p></li></ul><span class="ms-rteThemeBackColor-1-0">The archdiocesan Zero Tolerance policy is broader than the requirements of </span><span class="ms-rteThemeBackColor-1-0"><a href="https://www.meganslaw.ca.gov/">Megan's Law</a></span><span class="ms-rteThemeBackColor-1-0"> and similar statutory restrictions.</span><div><br><div>8-25-21</div></div>