Skip Navigation LinksOur Lady of the Rosary of Talpa Elementary School > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-17-Parent/Student Complaint Review Process



13.11.10 - Complaint Review Process for Parents/Guardians and Students13.11.10 - Complaint Review Process for Parents/Guardians and Students<p><span style="font-weight:bold;">​​​​​​​​​​ Complaint Review Process for Parents/Guardians and Students</span><br>​ <br>​​Complaints about substantive issues involving a student may occur. Students, parents/guardians, and school staff are encouraged to resolve the dispute when it occurs. However, if the involved persons are unable to resolve their dispute, the parent/guardian of the student involved may use the complaint review process for additional assistance. All those participating in the complaint review process are responsible for striving toward reconciliation and acting in good faith in the spirit of the Gospels. Legal representation or recording is not permitted at any meeting or mediation of the complaint. The complaint review process must be included in the parent/student handbook. <br> <br><b>​Addressing Complaints at the Local Level: Schools</b><br><br>First, the person bringing the complaint must try to resolve the complaint in good faith by discussing it with the people who are directly involved at the school. <br> <br>Next, if the complaint is not resolved, the person bringing the complaint should follow the school's established chain of command to seek resolution (or if the principal is the subject of the complaint, the pastor or the president, where applicable).  <br> <br>After reviewing the facts and facilitating discussion of the problem, the principal, president or pastor will respond to the person bringing the complaint. In high schools, if the complainant is dissatisfied with the principal's decision, the complainant may request review of the decision through an internal appeals process that is determined by the high school.<br><br><b>Escalating Complaints to the Central Level: Department of Catholic Schools</b><br><br>If the complaint concerns policies, procedures, and/or regulations of the school or archdiocese that affect the complainant's child and is not resolved at the local level, the complainant may request additional review in writing to the assistant regional superintendent a​t the Department of Catholic Schools.<br> <br>The assistant regional superintendent will review the complaint (with such consultation as may be appropriate) in a timely fashion and will endeavor to resolve the matter in keeping with the policies, procedures, and/or regulations of the school or archdiocese and school. If an agreed-upon outcome is not possible, the assistant regional superintendent shall make a final and binding determination, and communicate that determination in writing to all parties.​ </p><p>7-16-21, 10-7-2024<br></p><p></p>

