Children are to be dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon at the carline. Read this information carefully and share it with anyone coming for your child, especially first-time participants in carline.

Drivers are to proceed at a speed of 5 mph through the carline as directed by the school personnel.


​For arrival, students are to be dropped off in the area designated by carline personnel. Parents are to remain in their vehicle or behind the pedestrian gate.


For safety and insurance reasons, students should arrive in the school yard between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. If your child needs to be dropped off before 7:30 a.m., please notify the office at least 24 hours in advance. Absolutely no child should be dropped off in front of the school.

Once students have arrived at school, they are not permitted to leave the school grounds.  Students are to line up in the auditorium by grade until the bell rings and the teacher picks them up. If a student arrives late, he/she should be dropped off in the office where he/she is to pick up a tardy slip, and then go to their classroom. 


Cell phone use during carline is prohibited for the safety of the children. On rainy days or excessively hot days, dismissal will begin 15 minutes earlier than the end of a regular school day. All students (including TK and Kindergarten) will be dismissed 15 minutes early. No children will be permitted to be picked up from the front office. 


Parents will drive into school grounds following the guidance of carline personnel. We ask for your patience and full attention until you come to a complete stop. In the designated pick up area, a staff member will directly guide your child(ren) to your car. Please wait for your  child to come to you.  

Students who walk or take an Uber/Lyft home must have a note on file in the office.

There is an Extended Care Program from 3:15 – 5:00 P.M. On Early Dismissal days, the Extended Day Program will begin after school at 12:30 P.M.

Students may not leave the school to buy anything from nearby stores and return. Please provide an after-school snack.  This is for the safety of your child/ren and an Archdiocesan policy.​



