The field trip program for grades K through 8 has been carefully planned to offer a wide variety of experiences for students over a nine-year period. The program is integrated with the curriculum, primarily in art, music, science and social studies. Field trips are a privilege and students may be kept at school if they do not meet academic and/or behavioral requirements. Field Trips include any school activity, weekend programs and sports activities, student council in-servicing, excursions to the park, etc. These are kept on file for the current school year.  No student will be allowed to leave the school grounds and go on a field trip without the proper written permission slip.  Telephone calls will not be accepted in place of proper forms. Field trips are usually taken on buses, except if the trip is in a nearby area. Students may walk or be driven by parents locally. Parents may request that their child not go on a trip by writing a note of explanation to the teacher and school office. If a student is not going, he/she will be placed in another classroom.


Adults who drive for field trips, after school sports or any school related events must:

    1. Be 25 years of age or older.

    2. Present a valid driver's license and current proof of insurance, both to be copied in the school office. Since insurance policies expire frequently, please keep paperwork in the office. 

    3. Follow the directions of the supervising teacher. Parents who attend the field trip are expected to assist in supervision and discipline of the students in their charge.

    4. Drive directly to and from the field trip location without making unscheduled stops while students are in the car.

    5. Not take siblings on field trips.

    6. Provide a working seat belt for each occupant.

    7. Present needed information to the school office before the scheduled field trip. It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure the school office has current information (driver's license and proof of insurance.) If this information has expired and current information cannot be produced, parents may not drive. Do not wait until the day of a field trip to turn in paperwork.

    8. Use a car with passenger restraint system meeting applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards, per Vehicle Code Section 27360, unless the child is at least one of the following:

  1. Six years of age or older,

  2. Weighs 60 pound or more


8th Grade Trip to Washington D.C.

Each Spring, our 8th-grade class travels by air to Washington D.C.  This trip is conducted by the non-profit program, Close-Up.  The trip is optional and paid for by families.  Those families in the class who wish to participate in the fundraising for the trip work together to plan several events.  The school conducts two-dollar dress days to benefit the fundraising.  Close-Up offers some financial assistance.  Those families that wish to apply for financial assistance do so through the principal.  The school’s goal is that all students who wish to attend, do so.  If you need financial assistance please meet with the principal.  Any student who does not display good conduct during the school year will not be allowed to attend the Washington D.C. trip.

Those students who do not attend the Washington D.C. trip remain in school during the week that their classmates are gone and follow a regular schedule.

6th Grade Field Trip to Yosemite

Each November, our 6th-grade class goes on a five-day trip to Nature Bridge, in Yosemite, CA. Nature Bridge is an immersive environmental science program designed specifically for 6th graders. Parents pay approximately $700 for this trip and financial assistance is available to those families who need it. Any student who does not display good conduct at school will not be allowed to attend the Yosemite trip.

Those students who do not attend the Yosemite trip remain in school during the week that their classmates are gone and follow a regular schedule.

Field Trip Permission Form Instructions

Please follow these rules regarding this form.

1. This form must be completely filled out including the parent/guardian's signature. Please remember to put down the student's name.

2. No student may go on a field trip unless the school has the official completed form. VERBAL PERMISSION BY PHONE, EMAIL, OR IN PERSON IS NOT ACCEPTABLE and does not replace this form.



