
The school is a member of the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) and is only allowed to participate in CYO sports.  The school does not "cut" for any sports.  On the B level all students are given equal play time.  On the varsity level play time may be prioritized by ability.  

Athletics are available to all students with no additional costs.  The following are the sports that we participate in:


Girls Volleyball (grades 6-8) Varsity

Boys and Girls Cross Country (grades 3-8) Novice, B, and Varsity

Boys and Girls Football (grades 5-8) B and Varsity


Boys and Girls Basketball (grades 5-8) B and Varsity


​Boys and Girls Golf (grades 4-8) 

Boys and Girls Track and Field (grades 3-8) Novice, B, and Varsity

Girls Softball (grades 6-8) Varisty

Boys Volleyball (grades 6-8) Varsity




