Discipline Procedures
1. Behavior Report (if any student earns 3 behavior reports in a trimester, the student will then earn a detention)
2. Detention (held on Thursday from 3:00 - 3:30)
3. Parent Conference (the principal will be notified about this conference
4. If after the conference the problem continues, an appointment with the teacher, principal, parents, and student will be necessary to discuss a further course of action and/or suspension.
Additional Information
Absolutely NO skateboards are allowed at the school. Toys, unless allowed by the teacher for show-and-tell, are not to be brought to school. Students are not allowed to chew gum while on school grounds.
Use Of Electronic Devices
Cell phones and other portable communication devices may be brought to school if the Acceptable Use Policy/Permission Slip is signed by both student and parent and turned in to the school. Students may not have any apps that are rated "13 and over" or marked "explicit content" with the exception of "Google."
All portable communication devices must be turned "OFF" and stored in a backpack, book bag, or other place where the device is not visible.
Portable communication devices may NOT be turned on at any time during the regular school day for any reason, except to call 911 in emergencies or with the express permission of a teacher.
This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, lunch breaks, class changes, dismissal and any other scheduled or non-scheduled activity that occurs during normal school hours.
Before and after the end of school, students may use portable communication devices, but not inside school buildings that are still being used for school-related activities or on school buses.
Portable communication devices may be used at after school activities that are not conducted in the school, provided that they do not interfere with the activity or school operations. If a student uses a portable communication device or any of its functions for any reason during the school day without express permission from the teacher, the following measures will be taken:
- The device will be confiscated from the student.
- The device will be returned only to the student's parent or legal guardian.
- Depending on the circumstances, the student may be denied the right to bring the device to school.
- Repeat violations of the policy will result in disciplinary measures appropriate to the circumstances, including expulsion if warranted.
- If a device is used for cheating during a test, the student will be removed from the testing situation and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
The school is NOT responsible for lost, misplaced, stolen or broken communications devices or for any unauthorized use of such devices. The school will NOT pay to replace devices that are lost, misplaced or stolen after they are confiscated and will NOT pay for any communications charges.
Phone Calls
Students are allowed to use the phone in an emergency, or when given written permission by the teacher. Students will not be allowed to use the phone for forgotten assignments, etc.
Care Of Property
If a student breaks or otherwise damages school property or property of others, that student will be required to pay for the damage.
Care Of Books
Each student is responsible for the care of a set of books that is loaned to him/her at the beginning of the school year. Books lost or damaged by the student must be replaced and paid for through the school office. Students are required to keep textbooks covered at all times. White-Out is not permitted.
Party invitations may not be sent to school for delivery unless all of the girls, all of the boys, or the entire class is being invited to a party. It is devastating to a child not to be invited to a party that the majority of the class is attending and it is totally contradictory to all that we at Holy Name of Mary School desire for our students. Please mail invitations if your child is inviting a select number of classmates and ask him or her not to discuss the party at school. Please note: the school office can not release student address information.
Rules And Regulations
The following behavior standards are expected in all areas of the school:
The following will not be tolerated:
a. hitting, kicking, pushing, fighting, or "play fighting"
b. name calling, teasing, unkind remarks, foul language, dishonesty
c. threatening or intimidating
The following will not be tolerated:
a. defacing school property
b. damaging others' possessions or clothing
c. stealing
d. cheating
The following will not be tolerated:
a. being out of an assigned area at recess or dismissal time
b. leaving campus without parents or approved adult supervision
c. loitering (straggling to line)
The following will not be tolerated:
a. bringing dangerous objects to school
b. using equipment in a dangerous or an incorrect way
c. entering or leaving school grounds contrary to the drop-off and pick-up policy
The following will not be tolerated:
a. refusing to obey directions given in any school area or at any school-sponsored activity
b. refusing to obey emergency procedures
c. being disrespectful in word or behavior toward any person
The following will not be tolerated:
a. being out of uniform
b. gum chewing, eating sunflower seeds
c. inappropriate school attire
d. tattoos or other body markings