It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure the school has in file the current and correct address, telephone number, doctor’s telephone number, and two other persons who may be contacted in case of an emergency or illness at school when the parents cannot be reached. 

EMERGENCY CARDS must be filled out completely on both sides and be kept UP TO DATE. 

The school policy concerning any disaster (such as earthquakes, fire, pipeline leaks, explosions, and the like) is to dismiss classes and to release the students only to those designated by the parental consent form.  By law, the school will keep the children 72 hours or until the Red Cross assumes responsibility. 

In the event of any disaster, the child must be picked up as soon as possible since separation from the parent is very terrifying. 

Each child will be under the supervision of his/her teacher. 

In case of imminent danger to our school building, it is the responsibility of the administration to assess the condition locally. Should an emergency occur, students will be released only to parents or to the persons whose names are given in the Emergency Cards. 


When a disaster simulation occurs, all students and teachers are to: Stop-Drop-Hold onto desk legs. 


When the fire alarm sounds, students proceed quietly out of the classroom in an orderly fashion. 

All students are to leave the classroom with their hands along their sides. 

The School Fire Drills are conducted by each faculty member on a monthly-basis. 

A written report is filed stating the overall practice. 

Classroom door(s) and windows should be closed. 

Students should go back to their classrooms at the command of the teacher. 

The teacher must instruct Teacher Aide(s) on this and other disaster emergencies. 

