We have an active Parent/Teacher Organization, as well as Room Parents, and invite all parents to become active participants in this group.
STA PTO promotes parent/guardian support for the school program, increases mutual understanding between the school and parents/guardians, builds a sense of school community, and assists in the financial support of the school.
Parent organizations:
- Are advisory in nature
- Have no legal status apart from the school and, therefore, may not be separately incorporated
- Function in accordance with a written constitution and bylaws that comply with all current provisions of archdiocesan policy that govern the structure and operation of such an organization
- Are subject to all Department of Catholic Schools regulations and policies
Membership: The membership of the parent organization shall include the pastor of the parish or his designee, principal, parents/guardians of currently enrolled students, and religious and lay faculty (if the organization is a parent-teacher organization). The pastor and principal shall have the right to approve officers and other members of the executive committee during the nomination process. The pastor or his designee and the principal shall be ex officio members of the executive committee of the organization.