Mission Statement
Driven by the teachings of Christ and the Vincentian charism of service, Mother of Sorrows Catholic School partners with families and the community to provide with a transformative education of the mind, body, and spirit.
We believe that Jesus is the source and model Teacher of our Catholic school. Guided by His example of love, we are dedicated to educating the whole child.
We believe in providing an exemplary education that is rooted in standards-based curricula, data-driven practices, and responsive instruction. We believe that it is our responsibility to meet the individual needs of each student.
We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children. We seek to empower them in this role.
We believe that we are called by Christ to serve one another. We guide our students to embody the Vincentian charism of service with respect, love, and humility.
Sponsorship by the Daughters of Charity
Our school is co-sponsored by the community of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.
"In the spirit of our founders, St. Vincent De Paul, St. Louis de Marillac, and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the Daughters of Charity Education Ministry is committed to teaching all students who attend Mother of Sorrows School. With Jesus Christ as our model, we advance and strengthen the teaching mission of the Catholic Church by providing comprehensive, excellent education that is directed to the whole child – mind, body, and spirit. We promote family life, the teachings of Jesus Christ, and a healthy outlook of reaching out to others through community service."

Core Values of Vincentian Education
Holistic Integrated Creative Flexible
Excellent Person-Oriented Collaborative Focused