Uniform could be purchased at Michaels Uniform. Students are expected to wear the assigned school uniform at all times and to look neat and orderly. If at any time, a student is not wearing the complete uniform because of an emergency, parents/guardians are expected to supply a note of explanation to the teacher. The note excuses the students for one day only. Students who are not in proper uniform clothing may be sent home.
Dress Code Rules:
1. Make-up, eye shadow, blush, lipstick, nail polish, etc. are not allowed
2. Excessive jewelry is not permitted. Both boys and girls may only wear around their neck a religous medal on a chain. Girls may wear (1) pair of small earrings such as studs. Boys may not wear earrings at any time. Bracelets are not to be worn by girls or boys.
3. Shirts must be tucked in at all times
4. Boys must wear their size pants, at the waistline, and with a belt
5. P.E. pants must be worn at the waistline
6. Girls must wear their skirts no shorter than 2 inchs above the knee
Acceptable (Girls)
- Hair is neat, clean and moderate, of the students natural color, combed in a way that does not hang in the face or cover the eyes
Unacceptale (Girls)
- Exaggerated hairstyles (tails, unnatural red/ orange/ or other colored hair, highlights, two-toned hair colors/ "ombre" look); excessive use of gels or sprays; shaved areas; hair that hangs in face or covers the eyes, Mohawks or Faux-Hawks, bleached or dyed hair, exaggerated styles (Mohawk style, spikes, tails, excessive use of gels or spray).
Acceptable (Boys)
- Hair that is neat, clean and moderate, of the students natural color, that does not extend to the collar, does not extend over the eyebrow when combed foward, and does not extend over the middle of the ear; Haircut length differnces must be blended; Sideburns are cleanly shaven, no wider than one inch, and must not extend below the ear, face should be clean-shaven at all times, everyday.
Unacceptable (Boys)
- Mohawks or Faux-Hawks, bleached or dyed hair, exaggerated styles (Mohawk style, spikes, tails, excessive use of gels or spray), Hair extending below the eyebrow or middle ear; hair over the collar in length; layer difference of greater than 3/4 inches.
No students may have dyed hair, highlights, or a shaved head. No spiked hair nor mohawks….Girls must keep their bangs trimmed above their eyebrow or pinned off of their face.
Shirts: May be a pullover style (polo shirt) white, short sleeves, with the school logo or emblem only and must be tucked in at all times. All clothing is expected to fit the child in the traditional sense. Over-sized clothing is NOT uniform and is NOT allowed.
Blouses: Must be all white and tucked in at all times.
Skirts/Jumpers: All Plaid. Shorts should not show below the uniform jumper or skirt.
Walking Shorts: Are not allowed.
Pants: Navy Blue.
Belts: All Black.
Shoes: All Black. Black/White oxfords are permitted. Sandals, boots, and any type of slip-ons are not safe and are not permitted to wear at school. High- topped shoes that interfere with the length of the pants will not be permitted. Please Note: On P.E. days, any tennis shoe may be worn (see below).
Socks: Must be white crew. No ankle socks.
School Vest: Red vest must have school logo or emblem.
School Jackets: Only red school jackets and sweaters are permitted (with or without the school logo or emblem).
Weather Attire: Only white may be worn under the uniform (i.e. shirt, blouse, slip) during cold weather. Nothing may show above the neck or below the sleeves.
P.E. Uniform: The P.E. Uniform may include any combination of the following: Navy blue sweat pants, sweat shirt, T-shirt (with the logo). Any tennis shoe may be worn.
In cases of doubt, the principal makes the final decision regarding appropriates and appearance. If the dress is inappropriate parents will be called to bring the school uniform to the student.

"Free Dress
Free dress is a privilege given to students periodically throughout the school year. Students must wear closed –toe shoes with socks. The office must be notified or he/she will not be allowed in class. On special occasions, students are allowed to wear school-appropriate non-uniform clothing. You will be notified of these days. Students are not allowed to wear oversized/ "baggy" clothing, cut-off/ cut-up jeans, tank tops, tight revealing pants, nor gang affiliated clothing. Students and parents may not wear any logos or emblems that would conflict with the Christian spirit of the school. Students are to follow the regular school dress code in
regards to hair, jewelry and make-up. Students are expected to wear
clothes that are presentable, clean and appropriate for school. Free dress
does not include beach attire, netted shirts or crop tops. Solid color TShirts with or without a collar may be worn. Pants must be in good
condition – not torn and must fit properly. If shorts are worn they may
be no shorter than two inches above the knee. The principal reserves the
right to make all decisions regarding interpretation of the dress.