Regularity and punctuality are necessary for success in school.  Every absence, or late arrival, is a definite loss to the student.  It hinders and delays the progress of educating the whole child.


The focus for students at Maria Regina School is on instructional time on task. With this in mind, kindly contact your child’s teacher before planning an appropriate birthday treat (cupcakes and pouch juices only) for your child(ren)’s entire class to be distributed at the end of the day. There is no refrigeration available to store treats. ​No balloons are allowed in the classroom. Please do not ask your child(ren)’s teacher to allow your child(ren) to have a party in class. Individual birthday parties would consume instructional time and violate state mandated instructional time allotment.



A strict policy is enforced regarding absences.  The following are acceptable reasons for absences:

  • Illness*
  • Medical/Dental Appointment*
  • Funeral*
  • Quarantine
  • Court Appearance*
  • Approved school activities
*To be excused, these absences require written documentation from the medical or court facility indicating date and length of time student was at the facility.

Providing a reason for your child(ren)'s absent (being away from school when required) serves an explanatory purpose only and does not negate such absent from being recorded.



All doctor/dental appointments should be scheduled after school hours if possible. If it is necessary for a student to be excused for such an appointment, a note requesting early dismissal must be presented to the teacher. A medical/dental excuse from the doctor or dentist should be returned to the school with the student. Without this note, a student's absence cannot be credited as a medically unexcused absence.

