Skip Navigation LinksMaria Regina School > chapter-7-TUITION AND FEES > section-7-4-Parent Service and Fundraising Requirements




Maria Regina parents are very involved in activities on behalf of the school. This builds a strong community by directly involving parents, in an active manner, in the programs of the school. Each family is required to contribute 35 hours of volunteer service to the school.  In order to keep tuition at a reasonable amount, the support of families is vital.

It is possible for other family members to fulfill service hours at the school. However, children presently enrolled at MRS may NOT complete the hours. If you have older children or other relatives who are willing to assist in needed capacities, please let us know. Please be sure to sign in and out on the volunteer sheet located in the school office. (Volunteers must be at least 21 years of age.)
Some of the ways in which a family member might contribute service hours include:

  • Yard duty
  • Coaching
  • Cafeteria aide
  • Donations
  • Office work
  • Library Aide
  • Parish Fiesta
  • Classroom Aide
  • PTO Events: MRS Annual Raffle, Gala Night, Parent meetings, etc.
  • Field Trips** (1 Field Trip per child and only 1 parent in attendance will be given credit); ** Must be VIRTUS® Trained and fingerprinted.

Note: Each family will be charged $10.00 for every hour not served.

Parents who have not completed their service hours will be billed at the end of the school year for each hour of non-service. ALL service hours for parents (except 8th grade parents) must be completed before May 31st of the school year​. Payment for incomplete service hours is due on May 31st​.  If payment is not received by this date, the student cannot return to school until the payment is made in full.

It is MRS intention to instill a value of school involvement in all stakeholders. Parents are required to complete 17.5 of their 35 hours on/or before December 15th of the school year. Parents who have not completed all of their service hours will be billed at the end of the school year for each hour non-service.  

No personal checks will be accepted for any form of financial payment to the school after April 29th of the school year​.


No parent, student, or any othe​r person shall obligate the school for purchase of any goods or services without prior written approval by the principal. The school will not reimburse any expenditure made without such prior written approval.​

MANDATORY SERVICE HOURS - 35 Hours or Buy-Out Amount $350

A minimum of 35 service (volunteer) hours must be completed per family during the school year as follows:

  • Semester End (December of the school year) – Minimum 10 Hours by end of 1st semester - An additional 7.5 service hours must be completed by December 15th​ of the school year. Hours not completed will be charged at $10.00 per hour.
  • Year End (May of the school year​) – Balance 17.5 hours - All remaining service hours must be completed by May 30th of the school year​. Hours not completed will be charged at $10.00 per hour.

Families who failed to complete or chose NOT to complete their mandatory service hours oligation (all or in part) have the opportunity to satisfy this obligation by making a direct payment to the school, referred to as a Buy-Out. Hours not completed will be charged at $10.00 per hour and families will be billed up to the maximum of 35 hours or a max total of $350.00.  

NOTE: All financial obligations not met will be billed at the end of May of the school year.


Since tuition does not completely cover the cost of running the school, all families MUST participate in the fundraising activities of the school. Some of the fundraisers include the following:


Each family is required to sell $200.00 worth of raffle tickets for the Fall Raffle. The raffle tickets will be sent home during the first week of school. The last day to submit the stubs with money to the office will be October 9th ​of the school year. Information will be communicated in the newsletter and special handouts. Only tickets turned in prior to this date will be eligible to participate in the raffle. All proceeds from this raffle will assist with MRS schoolwide improvements.  


All families are required to sell cookie dough for the annual Cookie Dough Sale for a total amount of $250.00. The last day to submit the order forms with money to the office will be November 25th of ​the school year. All proceeds from this cookie dough sale will assist with MRS school-wide improvements. Families will be billed for any or all cookie dough not picked up. More information will be provided during the school year prior to this fundraiser.


All families are required to sell raffle tickets for the Spring Raffle for a total amount of $200.00. The last day to submit the stubs with money to the office will be April 14th of ​the school year. All tickets turned in during this time period will be eligible to participate in the raffle. All proceeds from this raffle will assist with MRS school-wide improvements. 


Families have the opportunity to satisfy their Fundraiser Financial Obligations (all or in part) by making a direct payment to the school, referred to as a Buy-Out. This option will only be made available at the beginning of the school year and will be considered contractual (once you opt-in, you will not be able to opt-out later during the school year). ALL buy-out due date for fundraisers is September 12th of ​the school year​. Once obligated to the buy-out option, a $40.00 late fee will be imposed after the buy-out due date. Families will be billed for any or all tickets not purchased.

PLEASE NOTE: Third party checks will NOT be accepted.  Only checks from parents and guardians of students at Maria Regina School will be accepted.

