Skip Navigation LinksSt. Anthony of Padua Elementary School > chapter-10-ELECTRONIC USAGE POLICIES > section-10-1-Electronic Devices > topic-10-1-1-Acceptable Use and Responsibility Policy for Electronic Communications (Archdiocesan AUP)

Junior High Student Personal Technology Contract

Acceptable Use and Waiver of Liability

As new technologies continue to change the world in which we live, they also provide many new and positive educational benefits for classroom instruction. To encourage this growth, students at St. Anthony of Padua will be allowed to bring their own technology to campus.

Students and parents involved in bringing a personal electronic device to school must adhere to the Student Acceptable Use of Personal Technology Policy as well as all other policies listed in our standard Acceptable Use Policy.

Students take full responsibility for the security of their devices. The school is not responsible for personal devices lost, stolen, and or damaged while at school or during school sponsored activities. Personal devices cannot be left at school after normal school hours.  (If device is lost, stolen, or damaged, it will be handled through the administration office, much like any other item of personal property.)

Printing from personal devices will not be permitted at school. 

The school has the right to collect and examine any device that is used on campus to determine whether it is being used inappropriately or is a possible threat to our network or other hardware. 

Inappropriate use, including but not limited to a violation of St. Anthony of Padua policies and rules, procedures, state or federal law, may result in curtailment or cancelation of the privilege, detention, suspension, and/or expulsion.

The occasional use of personal devices to support educational experiences will benefit the learning environment as a whole. The undersigned agree to abide by all Acceptable Use Policies and waive any and all claims against St. Anthony of Padua School for any property damage associated with any personal electronic device brought to school.

(Student Name-Please print) ________________________________________                                 (Student Signature)_______________________________________             (Date)_______________

(Parent Name-Please print)________________________________________                                    (Parent Signature)_________________________________________           (Date)_______________


Initial devices and funding were contributed by the Catholic Communication Collaboration (C3) pilot program. Due to the generosity of additional donors and funding, we are privileged to continue to offer devices, software, and Internet access to ensure that students are able to participate in a true 21st century Blended Learning curriculum.

Students may check out a device from St. Anthony of Padua School and, in doing so, acknowledge and accept full responsibility for the device at all times. Any issues with the device should be reported to administration as soon as they are noticed to ensure that such problems may be addressed immediately. The school reserves the right to have final discretion on usage of all devices, checked out or not. As a student at St. Anthony of Padua School, the individual user is expected to act in accordance with Archdiocesan (ADLA) and school policies, and applicable local, state and federal laws.  

Students may be offered the privilege of bringing and using their own devices. All such devices must be used according to Archdiocesan  and school policies, and applicable local, state and federal laws. The student acknowledges full responsibility for their own device and its maintenance. In addition, the student is responsible for ensuring that the device can utilize all necessary tools in keeping with the Blended Learning curriculum. Finally, students should also follow all formatting and personalization requirements in keeping with school policy, including, but not limited to: Sounds, Background and Particular Bookmarks. The school reserves the right to have final discretion on usage of all devices.

Included in this Device User Agreement are the following items:

  1. Technology Resources Acceptable Use Policy 

  2. Technology Resources User Certification

See Acceptable Use Policy and rules about texting and social media (this includes devices like cel phones and tablet/iPad use while on campus). 

NO TEXTING in bathrooms and during school hours. Abuse of electronics could lead to suspension and dismissal, depending on the severity of the issue.

  • Students who bring personal technology to school will have access to their devices for limited time during the day and only at the request of, exception from, and under the supervision of a classroom teacher or designee for educationally appropriate activities. 
  • Use during the school day during unsupervised times is prohibited.
  • Use before and after school is prohibited.
  • Devices must be FULLY CHARGED in the morning.
  • Effort Slip if battery dies, will get a Chromebook to borrow.
  • No chatting/texting, social media, video games on campus.
  • 3 Effort Slips will drop ½ letter grade.
  • Phones must be in backpack in locker at all times OFF or on SILENT.
  • Conduct Slip if rings or buzzer.
  • Devices must be in silent mode and put away when asked by teachers.
  • Referral if caught using it or carrying it in your pocket.
  • Students must immediately comply with the teachers request to shut down devices or close the screen.  
  • Students are not permitted to transmit or post photographic images/videos of any person on campus on public and or social media sites. 
  • Students bring personally owned electronics devices to school at their own risk and should not share their personal devices with other students.
  • Devices are to be used strictly for academic use (including Daycare).
  • Devices cannot be used during assessments, unless otherwise directed by a teacher.

Cell phones are encouraged to be left at home. If a parent must give a middle school child a cell phone for emergencies, it should be kept in the students’ backpacks at all times. Backpacks must be kept in the student’s locker during school hours. If students need to use their cell phone to contact their parents after school, they must get permission from the supervising teacher and remain nearby when making a call or sending text messages. The school has landlines and cel phones are not necessary on campus to contact parents. 

Students may not log in to social media sites or apps while on campus for any reason. Please go over digital citizenship with your children. The school does its part to teach about this, but parents can also do their part. You may want to visit for some parenting tips to improve your child’s digital citizenship.

