

All disciplinary actions can be given to the students by accumulating minor misbehaviors or by single actions determined as a serious violation of the schools regulation by the school personnel. A slip written by any school personnel represents the warning, detention or referral.

Student Name: __________________________School year:______Grade: ________

Misconduct Consequence Reason Date
Warning Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
Detention Serve detention
Warning- Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
Detention- Serve detention
Warning Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
Parent Notification
Warning Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
Detention Serve detention
Warning Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
Detention Serve detention
Warning Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
Parent conferenceOne
day out of School Suspension
Warning Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
Detention Serve detention
Warning Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
Detention Serve detention
Warning Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
3-day out of the School Suspension
Warning Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
Detention Serve detention
Warning Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
Detention Serve detention
Warning Conduct Warning
Warning Conduct Warning
Withdrawal from Schoo

In Summary: 

  • Minor Infractions: 3 minor infractions will result in a detention 

  • Detention: 3 detentions will result in first referral, 6 detentions will result in second referral, 9 detentions will result in third referral, 12 detentions will result in fourth referral 

  • Referral: 2 referrals will result in one out of school suspension, 3 referrals will result in 3 day out of school suspension, 4 referrals will result in withdrawal from school 

  • Suspension: first suspension will result in a one day out of school suspension, second suspension will result in three days out of school suspension 

  • Withdrawal: voluntary or involuntary removal from the school. 

  • If a student receives excessive detentions, referrals or suspensions. Privileges such as school events, extracurricular activities, etc. may be taken away.

St. Anthony of Padua
Junior High Policies & Procedures

Homeroom Teacher takes attendance in lines at 7:50am – Boy/Girl lines number order!
Go straight to lockers then to 1st BLOCK CLASS – get books and snack for recess
Teacher in 1st Block class will take attendance at 8:07 Tardy Bell – collect lunch money and office paperwork

Tardy Bell will ring at 8:07am (1st Block) / 10:22am (2nd Block) / 1:07pm (3rd Block) – TEACHERS WILL TAKE ATTENDANCE FOR EACH BLOCK
Students must be IN YOUR SEATS by Tardy Bell!
3 tardies = after-school Tardy Time

Locks belong to the school. Replacement fee = $10
No rolling backpacks – should fit in lockers above books
Take only books/materials for the class you are going to + AR book
Unnecessary books = EFFORT SLIP
Clean out lockers monthly

Enter through FRONT DOOR / Exit through BACK DOOR
Wait at the breezeway rail until all students have from last class have left the classroom
Always knock if you are sent with a message for the Teacher – WAIT at the door

Water bottles allowed in classroom MUST be reusable (NO juice, sodas, or caffeinated drinks)
If bottles are not reusable, stay in locker
EMERGENCY Restroom Pass attached to Student Planner – can’t use Buddy’s passes
Sign in/Sign out of class with Name, Date, Time in/Time Out

Disrupting other classes as you are walking ​​by = Conduct Slip
Playing with ball after the bell = Conduct Slip
NO restroom after the bell = Conduct Slip
Coming upstairs without permission / going into the Convent yard / going out to the street to get a ball = Referral

3 infractions = Detention
No logos on socks / No ankle socks
Shoes mostly black (some grey/white/blue allowed)
No shorts for Mass
Keep tie on for whole day (at recess can loosen but don’t take it off)
Shirts tucked in all day - any reminder is an Infraction
Required MASS SWEATERS for all grades (no 8th grade or Decathlon sweaters)
Haircuts according to Handbook
No nail polish
7th & 8th Grades – change during recess, lunch, or first 5 min of PE

Stay with Homeroom. Take attendance. Leave backpacks outside of Homeroom
Use restroom before Mass – NO leaving in the middle of Mass
GENUFLECT in front of the Tabernacle (when entering/exiting for Mass)
BOW whenever passing the altar
PARTICIPATE. Sing and recite the prayers/responses – Mass is the highest form of prayer we can offer to God.
Receive Communion REVERENTLY – throne for the Eucharist, “AMEN” saying you believe in the True Presence
NO SIDE CONVERSATIONS – especially after Communion. This time is for Jesus, there’s nothing more important than the love we can show Him and the worship He deserves.


I, ___________________________________________, understand the above Junior High Policies and Procedures. I will commit to following them for my own benefit and for the benefit of my teachers and fellow students. I am aware that my choices have both positive and negative consequences. In order to reach my full potential, will try to the best of my ability to live by the TRIBES Agreements both in school and out of school.

TRIBES Agreements:
1. Mutual Respect
2. Attentive Listening
3. Right to Pass
4. No Put-Downs/Show Appreciation
5. Personal Best

Parents, please remind your children about practicing the Tribes Agreements and Student Learning Expectations (SLEs) daily. We need to teach and model virtues such as Mutual Respect and Attentive Listening, and act as Followers of Jesus to our children, so they can follow our lead. 

STUDENT SIGNATURE ___________________________________ DATE_________

Code of Christian Conduct ​

Students can best receive a quality, morally based education if students, parents/guardians, and school officials work together. Normally, these parties can resolve their differences. In some rare instances, however, the school may find it necessary, in its discretion, to require parents/guardians to withdraw their child.

As an express condition of enrollment, students and parents/guardians shall follow standards of conduct that are consistent with the Christian principles of the school, as determined by the school in its discretion. These principles include but are not limited to any policies or procedures set forth in the school's parent/student handbook. 

These Christian principles include but are not limited to:

  • Parents/guardians are expected to work courteously and cooperatively with the school to assist the student in meeting the academic, moral, and behavioral expectations of the school. 

  • Students and parents/guardians may respectfully express their concerns about the school operation and its personnel. However, they may not do so in a manner that is discourteous, scandalous, rumor driven, disruptive, threatening, hostile, or divisive. 

  • In a place where a school employee is required to be in the course of his or her duties, any parent/guardian or other person whose conduct materially disrupts class work or extracurricular activities or involves substantial disorder may be guilty of a misdemeanor. This statement does not apply to any otherwise lawful employee-concerted activity, including but not limited to picketing and distributing handbills.

  • Any parent/guardian or other person could risk his or her child's continuation in school if he or she insults or abuses the principal or any teacher in the presence of students, parents/guardians, or other school personnel while on school premises, public sidewalks, public streets, other public ways adjacent to school premises, or at some other place if the principal or teacher is required to be there in connection with assigned school activities. 

These expectations for students and parents/guardians include but are not limited to all school-sponsored programs and events (e.g., extended care, athletics, and field trips).

The school reserves the right to determine, in its discretion, when conduct is severe enough to warrant immediate action without warning and/or without an intermediate step short of withdrawal.


