​​Parent-Teacher Conferences 

Scheduled Parent-Teacher Conferences are held in November. In addition to the November conference, other parent/teacher meetings are recommended when either party recognizes a legitimate need. 

Scheduling Teacher Conferences

If there is a question regarding a classroom situation, the first step is to discuss it with your child’s teacher. Charity alone dictates that teachers should be alerted to matters under their control before being discussed with other parents, neighbors, parishioners, school personnel or administration. You are requested to do all in your power to verify facts through correct channels of communication to prevent passing on misinformation. 

All parent conferences are held by appointment only. It is best to schedule appointments directly with the teacher. If you cannot reach the teacher, please contact the school office, but be prepared to leave a few dates and times of your availability. No teacher should be expected to meet during recess, lunch or impromptu before or after school. Please schedule an appointment. It is professional courtesy on both the parents’ and teachers’ parts to inform the other party of the intent of the meeting beforehand. If either party feels the need to meet with the principal (following the initial meeting) an appointment can be arranged through the school office. The principal is available for consultation, by appointment only, after the matter has been discussed with the classroom teacher.

