​​Communication Procedures​​​​​

OLR uses School speak as the main means of communication between home and school.  Virtually all school information is available on or through SchoolSpeak and e-mail is our primary means of communication. 

In order to ensure the privacy of individuals’ e-mail addresses, all group e-mails are sent “BCC”.   

Parent volunteers who serve on PTO or through various committees during the school year are not permitted to create or communicate through group text chains.  This protects the privacy of individuals' telephone numbers.

It is a parental responsibility to monitor the progress of your child(ren) and to stay informed on school related matters. Parents will be kept informed of the progress of their child(ren) by means of report cards, progress reports, conferences, open house and carefully prepared programs that demonstrate materials and methods employed in the school. Parents or guardians are required to check their child’s progress by viewing posted grades, mid-trimester progress reports, attendance, homework assignments, calendars and other important information from the school.​

 Please check Schoolspeak frequently for posted announcements and to view the school calendar of activities for the year. 

All parental emails sent on behalf of the school (room parent correspondences and/or fundraising/event information) MUST be pre-approved by the principal or office manager.​

Cell Phones

Students may not use cell phones or any other electronic device to make calls, text message, or take pictures or video while on campus or on a field trip. If you need to get a message to your child during or after school hours, please contact the school office (562)597-0819 or the Day Care extension (562)597-8369. Students who violate the cell phone policy are subject to disciplinary action including confiscation of the device until a designated school authority and the parent(s) are able to schedule a meeting. 


Students may not be called to the telephone during school hours except in the event of an emergency. Students may not use the phone in the school office without a written note from their homeroom teacher. Students will only be sent to the office to call home if it is deemed urgent and necessary by the homeroom teacher. (Forgotten lunches, homework, sports equipment, after school plans with friends, etc., are NOT considered urgent matters).​


The school maintains a web site and an intranet that provide parents and students with access to email teachers and administration. The school web address is (www.olrs.org) and the intranet, SchoolSpeak, can be accessed from the school web site. Teacher correspondence with parents and students shall be limited to purposes related to education. Because of the non-secure nature of email communication and the teachers and administrative duties and responsibility to safely monitor the students at all times, we ask that you limit your e-mails to brief questions. Any concerns about your child can be more appropriately handled in person or by telephone. Please be considerate of the teachers’ limited amount of time during the school day to answer and respond to e-mails. The school e-mail system is for professional use only. Please do not send personal e-mails or e-mails which are unrelated to school matters.

Family Envelope

Monthly family envelopes are sent home on the first Wednesday of each month. In an effort to reduce the waste of paper and to keep our copying fees lower, we will make every effort to post as much information as we can on either the school web site or SchoolSpeak. The ultimate goal is to be “paperless.”​
