Religion Curriculum
The religion curriculum at OLR covers the following topics: Scripture, Sacraments, Worship, Morality, Social Justice, Christian Faith and Practices, and Family Life. However, there is no better way for this study to be integrated into the students' lives than their participation in weekly Mass. Families are highly encouraged to attend weekend Mass that provides a unique opportunity for community building in a Christ-centered environment.
For more information and to read the Archdiocese Guidlines see
Sacramental Preparation
Sacramental celebration is integral to an authentic experience of the Catholic faith. Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion is a two-year process and normally begins in 1st grade. Students who enter OLR after the first grade will participate in the parish's Sacramental Preparation Program. All parents of students preparing to receive the sacraments must participate in the parish's Sacramental Preparation Program.