Skip Navigation LinksBishop Alemany High School > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-01-Mission Statement and Philosophy

​​Sections of this Parent-Student Handbook are particular to Bishop Alemany High School.  Other sections are policies and procedures of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, most of which can be found in the ADLA Administrative Handbook at

Section 2-01 - Mission Statement and Philosophy

In fulfillment of the Church's mission of Catholic education and in response to parental needs, Bishop Alemany High School exists to bring Jesus and the Gospel message into the formal educational experience of its students.  It is understood that parents/guardians who enroll their child(ren) at Bishop Alemany High School are understanding and supportive of its Catholic identity, as it is further explained in the following paragraphs.

As a Catholic school of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Bishop Alemany High School recognizes that it shares in the Church's mission of evangelization of youth in today's pluralistic society and therefore strongly subscribes to the threefold purpose of Catholic schools articulated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (To Teach As Jesus Did, #14, #101):

  • To proclaim the Gospel message which offers a new vision of God, the world and humanity.​
  • To build a school community which responds to the dignity and worth of each member.
  • To reach out in service to those in need through prayer and direct participation in the cause of social justice.

In accordance with these goals, and in order to assist parents/guardians in fulfilling their primary responsibility for the education of their children, the school, by offering a traditional Catholic education of the whole person, addresses the spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical needs of every student.

Furthermore, Bishop Alemany High School seeks to produce Catholic Christian young adult leaders who use their Catholic education and intellectual gifts to foster peace and justice in the world.

To take even small steps toward the implementation of this philosophy requires discipline on the part of all and sincere cooperation with the grace of God.

​In accordance with our Catholic Identity:

  • We view the human person as a child of God, full of possibility, deserving of life and love, and worthy of forgiveness.  As such, we are a pro-life community.
  • We understand the world to be the vessel of God's grace.  In Jesus, God has been revealed in human nature and in the tangible materials of the Church's Sacraments God touches us.
  • We are centered in the belief that Jesus Christ gave His body and blood for the redemption of our humanity.  We celebrate the Eucharist to remember and celebrate God's gift.  We embrace the call of Jesus to become His body in the world today.  As such, we are a Eucharistic community.
  • We promote the values of family over individualism, generosity over possession, and life over death.
  • We are rooted in the history and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.  We accept the authority of the Church's teaching office.
  • We approach faith with reason, loving a God who is knowable and rational.
  • We welcome people (students, staff, parents, etc.) of all faiths, backgrounds, and experiences to consciously and enthusiastically journey towards God with us.

As a Catholic High School, Bishop Alemany is a community enriched by faith that develops intellectually prepared men and women who are committed to promoting a just and peaceful world as conscientious and morally courageous leaders in service to others.

