Topic 5-02-5 – Make-Up Work/Absences
To receive credit in any course of study, a student must pass the class and be in attendance at school for any class within a semester without excessive unexcused absences.
- Loss of Credit – When a student accumulates 13 or more unexcused absences in any course, credit for the course will be withheld. Students should be aware that arriving 20 minutes late to a class constitutes an absence.
- Appeals to Reinstate Credit – The Vice Principal, Assistant Principal of Curriculum, Director of Counseling and one Dean of Discipline constitute the Review Board and will evaluate appeals from students and their parents/guardians to reinstate credit that has been withheld. The Review Board, with the approval of the Principal, reserves the right to reinstate or deny credit. If credit is denied, the student may be required to withdraw from Bishop Alemany. If the student is allowed to continue enrollment, denied credit must be made up.
- Special Circumstances – The Attendance and Counseling Office is to be notified regarding serious illness or accident so that appropriate adjustments can be made. In cases of hospitalization or prolonged illness (of five school days or more), a parent/guardian must call the Counseling Office to have homework provided for the student. At least 24 hours' notice must be given to allow the teacher(s) time to provide an assignment.