Skip Navigation LinksBishop Alemany High School > chapter-8-DISCIPLINE > section-8-1-Philosophy > topic-8-1-01-Discipline and Procedures

​​​​Section 8-1 – Philosophy

Discipline in the Catholic school is considered an aspect of moral guidance and not a form of punishment.  The purpose of discipline is to provide a school climate that is conducive to learning and promotes character development and the common good.

Discipline is maintained in a classroom or school when students work cooperatively with the Principal, the teachers, and their classmates towards class and school objectives.  However, the legitimate interest of the school extends beyond the school day and school hours.

Topic 8-1-01 – Discipline and Procedures

In order to become the “…intellectually prepared men and women who are committed to promoting a just and peaceful world as conscientious and morally courageous leaders in service to others" described in the school Mission Statement, the Bishop Alemany student must adhere to a code of conduct designed to encourage behavior that leads to achieving those ideals.

Guiding Principles for School Discipline

  • A student must learn to exercise self-discipline.
  • A student must strive to make good choices and take personal responsibility for her or his behavior.
  • The school will make disciplinary decisions based on the common good of the whole school community as well as the individual.
  • The school will be consistent in applying the discipline process, while considering individual circumstances.
  • The school reserves the right to implement discipline procedures off campus outside of school hours, where student actions are determined to have harmed the good reputation of the school.
  • Parents must recognize that Bishop Alemany High School acts in place of parents/guardians when dealing with student conduct.
  • Parents/guardians must recognize that by enrolling their students at Bishop Alemany, they have agreed to comply with and help enforce all school rules and regulations.

Agents of School Discipline

  • Classroom Teachers are responsible for dealing with classroom infractions by implementing the following steps:
  1. Correct and admonish the student immediately.
  2. If the student misbehaves further:  Confer with the student after the class or school and contact the parent/guardian by email or phone.
  3. If the student misbehaves further:  Assign a supervised detention period after school.
  4. If the student misbehaves further:  Refer the student to the appropriate Dean and the student will enter the discipline process at the appropriate step of severity.

All major violations of discipline must be reported to the Deans immediately.  If a student's behavior is severely disruptive, uncooperative and/or unruly, a Dean or another administrator must be summoned to the classroom to escort the student to the appropriate office.

Teachers are never permitted to simply send a student to the office.

  • All Faculty and Staff – All administrators, teachers, classified staff (office, maintenance, custodial, gardening and cooking staff), and coaches are responsible for reporting violations of school rules to the Deans of Discipline.
  • Deans of Discipline are responsible for the general discipline and Christian conduct of the student body outside of the classroom.  
  • The Discipline Review Board acts as an advisory board to the Principal regarding disciplinary matters when the Administration of the school feels that a dismissible offense or violation of the terms of a student's probation merits the convening of a Board.  The Board/Deans will make a recommendation to the Principal who has the final decision in all disciplinary matters.
    • The Board is composed of five voting faculty members and a designated Dean and/or administrator who chairs the Board.
    • All Board members will have at least three years' teaching experience at Bishop Alemany High School.
    • The Dean(s) present information concerning the discipline violation and the student discipline record to the Board.
    • Only the student and the parents/guardians may be present.  They speak to the Board and offer mitigating information.  No legal or other representation is allowed.
    • The Decision of the Board will be communicated to the parents/guardians by the School Administrator.

The Principal reserves the right to refer extraordinary discipline matters to the Discipline Board.

Disciplinary Review – Student disciplinary records are reviewed each semester.  If a student has a poor record and there has been no improvement in behavior, appropriate action will be taken in the subsequent semester.  Such action could be probation, strict probation, denial of re-registration or dismissal, depending upon the particular situation.

Dismissal – A student's attendance at Bishop Alemany may be terminated under these circumstances:

  • If, after exhausting the steps of the discipline procedure there is no improvement in a student's behavior, as determined by the Deans, the Discipline Board may recommend to the Principal that the student be dismissed.  Parents/guardians will be offered the opportunity to withdraw the student.
  • If a student commits a serious violation of school rules, the Deans or Discipline Board may recommend to the Principal that the student be dismissed.
  • Bishop Alemany reserves the right to dismiss a student from the school if he/she is arrested for any violation of civil or criminal law.

Students who have been dismissed or required to withdraw may be ineligible for re-admission.  Neither are they allowed to attend school curricular or co-curricular events or be on campus except as described under “Dances."

The Deans may recommend to the Principal that a student not be permitted to return at the end of the school year based on her or his discipline record.

Infractions of School Rules

Classroom Infractions – The following are dealt with by the individual teacher:

  • Minor classroom disturbance, such as being out of an assigned seat, excessive talking, impertinence (rudeness), grooming, etc.
  • Failure to follow classroom procedural rules set by the teacher.
  • Failure to do homework or class work.
  • Failure to have necessary books and materials in class.
  • Inappropriate use of electronics including, but not limited to cell phones and iPads.  Cell phones and iPads should be off and not used during class time unless permitted by the teacher.
  • Failure to remove sunglasses.
  • Failure to remove hood or head covering in class.
  • Food or drink in the classroom.
  • Sleeping or other non-attentiveness in class.
  • Gum chewing.
  • Tardy to class.  The teacher enters the tardy on the attendance report.  The student is automatically assigned detention for each tardy.
  • All dress code violations are to be reported to the Deans' Office by the teacher.  The student will be assigned detention for each infraction.

School Infractions and Consequences for Violations – These must be reported to and dealt with by the Deans.  The school authorities acting in the place of the parents/guardians (in loco parentis) reserve the right to question students regarding infractions without the parents/guardians present.  If the infraction is serious, the parents/guardians will be contacted in a timely manner.  (Repeated offenses will result in Progressive Steps of Discipline.)

1.      Riding a skateboard, roller blades or bicycle, hoverboards, etc., on school grounds.

2.      Repeated or inappropriate use of electronic devices on or off campus (defiance).

  • Cell phones and other devices may not be disruptive during school hours (cell phones should not be seen or heard during class time).
  • The item may be confiscated and may only be picked up by a parent or guardian.
  • All confiscated cell phones, iPads, digital cameras, and electronics are subject to search by the Deans and Administration.
  • Any use of blocked sites or Apps during school hours is prohibited.
  • Any derogative, inappropriate, or unauthorized use or posting pictures of students or faculty/staff is strictly prohibited.
  • Anything posted that is determined to be detrimental to Bishop Alemany High School.
  • Any pictures or texts of drug use, drugs or drug paraphernalia, or any other pictures or texts of inappropriate or immoral actions found on phones, laptops, or any other electronic device is against school policy.  Regarding any violation, parents/guardians of student(s) involved will be called, with a possible referral to a counselor.

Detention, Probation (regular or strict), and/or Suspension and Dismissal are possible actions to the above infractions.  Action will be taken according to the circumstances.

Bishop Alemany High School is not responsible for theft of or damage to personal property, including textbooks and any kind of electronic device.​

3.      Posting or distributing unauthorized flyers or such like materials.

4.      Possessing or using matches or lighters on school grounds.

  • Action will be taken according to the circumstances.  This will include confiscation of the items and possible detention, probation, parent/guardian conference and/or dismissal.

5.      Using faculty restrooms will result in detention.

6.      Tardy to school

  • All tardies are counted, including those due to traffic.
  • Excessive tardies may result in detention, probation, or strict probation.

7.      Tardy to class

  • Detention will be issued for each tardy throughout the semester.
  • Excessive tardies (refer to Progressive Steps of Discipline).

8.      Out-of-Dress Code

  • Students out-of-Dress Code are assigned a minimum of one detention for each infraction.  The student must be in Dress Code or be subject to suspension until the requirements of Dress Code are met.
  • Clothing/items confiscated by the school must be picked up by a parent/guardian.
  • Repeated offenses (refer to Progressive Steps of Discipline).

9.      Parking out of bounds

  • Students driving on campus are restricted to the following areas:  student parking lot, stacking area, and the access road behind the lunch area (this includes students in classes and team or group practices).  No other parking is allowed unless assigned by the Administration.  Violation – vehicle may be towed, $25.00 fine and detention.  All school rules, policies, searches, and discipline apply to cars parked off campus.
  • Students who drive to school are required to park on campus and to purchase a parking permit.  Parking permits must be current and visible.
  • Students must have a valid driver's license and car insurance.
  • Continual violations – Parking permit revoked and probation.

10.  Failure to report to an assigned detention

  • 1st violation – Time in detention doubled.
  • 2nd violation – Step Three Probation (detention will be made up as part of probation).
  • Suspension from all activities (games, dances, etc.) if excessive detention hours are owed.

11.  Defacing school property

  • 1st violation – Step Three Probation or Step 4 Strict Probation and a minimum fine of $100.  Depending on severity of the violation, the student may be required to make complete restitution of all costs incurred by the school and/or be subject to dismissal.

12.  Gambling on campus

  • 1st violation – Step Three Probation or Step 4 Strict Probation.  Action will be taken according to the circumstances.

13.  Possession or use of a laser pointer

  • 1st violation – Step Three Probation or Step 4 Strict Probation.  Action will be taken according to the circumstances.

14.  Violation of Academic Integrity Policy

  • See Topic 8-1-07 for complete details of this policy.

15.  Unauthorized absence from class or leaving campus without permission (partial truancy)

  • 1st violation – Step Three Probation
  • 2nd violation – Step Four Probation
  • 3rd violation – Recommendation for dismissal

16.  Truancy is defined as absence from school with neither school nor parent/guardian consent.

  • 1st violation – Step Four Strict Probation
  • 2nd violation – Recommendation for dismissal

Students who are truant are to receive a "No Credit" in their classes for that day and are not allowed to make up any assignments.

17.  Possessing or using tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, on campus

  • 1st violation – Step Four Strict Probation
  • 2nd violation – Recommendation for dismissal

18.  Possession, under the influence, or use of drugs or alcohol

  • Where students seek help from administration or faculty for a drug or alcohol related problem, the school may work with families and support the student as he/she deals with the problem.
  • Any violation – Subject to dismissal (Discipline Board)
  • Reasonable suspicion – Bishop Alemany High School has the right to drug test students at school prior to parent/guardian notification.

19.  Fighting on or off campus at any time or encouraging a fight

  • Any violation – subject to immediate dismissal (Discipline Board)

20.  Unauthorized Internet Websites and Use of Social Media

  • It is unacceptable to use the Bishop Alemany High School name, initials, logos, or pictures of staff, students, the school, or school activities with anything that is degrading, lewd, threatening, or violent.  Deliberate publication or harassment on the Internet or anywhere else may result in serious disciplinary action including expulsion. 
  • Any violation – subject to dismissal.

21.  Sexting

  • Sexting is defined as the act of sending or receiving sexually explicit messages or photographs, primarily between cell phones.
  • Any violation – Parents/guardians will be called, and counselor notified.
  • Action will be taken according to the circumstances; students may be subject to dismissal and law enforcement may be notified.

22.  Formal Dress

  • 1st violation – Up to three detentions depending on extent of violation
  • 2nd violation – Probation (refer to Progressive Steps of Discipline)
  • Students out of uniform are subject to suspension.

23.  Failure to follow COVID Protocols – Improper use of face mask.

  • 1st violation – warning by teacher
  • 2nd violation – detention
  • 3rd violation – probation
  • Students who fail to follow COVID protocols are subject to suspension.

Students who have committed a serious violation of rules will be suspended from school and placed on strict probation.  In each case, the Administration reserves the right to invoke a more severe penalty up to and including requiring counseling or expulsion if it judges that the nature of the action or the circumstances warrants it.

A student is always a Bishop Alemany High School student.  Therefore, all Bishop Alemany school rules and regulations are to be observed both on and off campus.  Any student who engages in conduct, whether inside or outside of the school, that is detrimental to the reputation of the school, may be disciplined by school officials.

Infractions that Are Grounds for Dismissal (Discipline Board and/or Termination of Enrollment)

  1. A pattern of disruptive behavior in the classroom.
  2. A pattern of defiance or non-compliance with school rules.
  3. Violation of terms of probation or strict probation.
  4. A major violation of school rules that may result in immediate dismissal, including but not limited to:
  • ​Destroying or defacing school property; vandalism on school grounds, including tampering with locks or locked doors, computer hacking and pranks of any kind.
  • Disrespect or extreme impertinence towards any faculty or staff member or anything that manifests contempt for school authority.
  • Serious misconduct in speech, writing, or action including cheating or dishonesty and forging school or legal documents.
  • Being in possession of, under the influence of, or using drugs or alcohol on campus, in the immediate vicinity of the campus, at school activities or at school functions; being in possession of drug paraphernalia.  The appropriate authorities will be contacted.
  • Selling or giving drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol to another member of the school student body.  The appropriate authorities will be contacted.
  • Theft of any school or personal property.
  • Setting a fire; tampering with fire alarms or fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Scandalous, illegal, or immoral conduct on or off campus at any time while the student is enrolled in the school.
  • Fighting, encouraging a fight on or off campus at any time.
  • Assault, extortion, threatening behavior, or endangering the wellbeing of any person (for example, setting off a firecracker, throwing objects in class or on campus, possession of flammable or explosive materials).
  • Bringing any kind of weapon on campus or to a school function.  The appropriate authorities will be contacted.
  • Harassment, including verbal, physical, or written intimidation, including but not limited to using electronic communications to victimize, degrade or libel other persons; using ethnic slurs; name calling; prejudicial behavior; employing actions that victimize and make life miserable for other persons.
  • Gang or crew involvement, including any behavior, dress, mannerism, or action interpreted by the Administration to signify gang or crew affiliation; for example, the wearing of gang colors, the writing of gang graffiti; association with known gang members, dance crews, party crews, etc.
  • Association with any person or group that poses any kind of threat to Bishop Alemany High School or its students.
  • Graffiti; possession of any object (for example:  books, notebooks, clothing, etc.) that is marked with tags or graffiti, or possession of items used to produce graffiti (for example:  spray paint can, markers, etc.).
  • Hazing or any act that injures, degrades, or disgraces a fellow student or person attending the school.
  • ​Establishing, maintaining, participating in, or posting on unauthorized Internet web sites.​

In addition to the above criteria, the Administration reserves the right to dismiss a student from Bishop Alemany High School for what it considers due cause.

