Skip Navigation LinksBishop Alemany High School > chapter-8-DISCIPLINE > section-8-1-Philosophy > topic-8-1-04-Behavior Agreement/Probation


Step One
For one or more infractions of school discipline
Detention - A Minimum of one hour of Saturday detention

Step Two
When infractions result in assignment of 5 hours of detention

Conference with the Student and Notice to Parents
The Dean advises the student in terms of what the student can do to remedy the situation. The counseling may include a warning, a delineation of possible future consequences, the requirement of specific actions on the part of the student, etc. The Dean will attempt to notify parents by phone, email or in a face-to-face conference, and document in writing on the discipline record.

In certain situations, the Dean may determine that the best approach is to have a student meet in session with her or his teachers and counselor.

Step Three – Disciplinary Probation
a. When infractions result in assignment of 10 or more demerits, or b. A serious violation of school rules:
Disciplinary Probation is reserved for continued violations or serious violations of school rules and is a formal notice and warning to a student and her or his parents.
Probation stipulations are usually as follows:
● The period of probation lasts for no less than five weeks, but may be adjusted at the discretion of a Dean or an administrator.
● The student will serve at least five hours of detention during the period of probation.
● Other stipulations may be placed on the student as warranted by the situation and determined by the Dean and specified in
an agreement signed by all parties.
● During this period the student is expected to show marked improvement in behavior. Any further violation of school rules
or disciplinary policies or the terms of probation makes the student eligible for strict probation or dismissal.

Step Four – Strict Probation
a. When infractions result in assignment of 15 or more demerits, or 
b. A serious violation of school rules:

Strict probation is reserved for a major violation of school rules and is a formal notice and warning to a student and her or his parents.

Strict Probation stipulations are usually as follows:
● The period of strict probation lasts no less than ten weeks, but may be adjusted at the discretion of a Dean, Administrator or the Discipline Board.
● The student will serve a minimum of ten hours of detention during the period of strict probation.
● Deans will inform parents of the incident and discipline. Deans will provide an agreement stipulating the period and terms
of the Strict Probation.
● During the period of Strict Probation:
● There is no participation in or attendance of any extracurricular activities.
● The student must arrive at the beginning of the school day and depart immediately at the end of the school day.
● Any violation of school rules or disciplinary policies or the terms of strict probation during the time of probation may result in immediate dismissal.
● In certain situations a student will be placed on a Behavior Contract that stipulates specific behavioral expectations and conditions that must be complied with for continued enrollment. Any violation of such stipulations will result in immediate dismissal without Discipline Board review.
Other stipulations may be placed on the student as determined by the Dean acting for the good of the school as well as the individual, and as warranted by the situation.

With all due consideration, disciplinary actions are determined by the professional judgment of the Deans, Adminstration or Discipline Board and dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Steps may be skipped depending on the student's infraction and disciplinary record.

Students must carry their Bishop Alemany High School ID with them at all times while on campus or at school events. Failure to have ID may result in detention.

Step Five
a. Further infractions of violations following Strict Probation, or
b. A major violation of school rules includes the possibility of Dismissal

