Grading System
A+ (100-98%) Superior work; Excels in quality and quantity.
A (97-93%)............ Outstanding work; Does more than required; Shows creativity.
A- (92-90%)............ Excellent work; Surpasses expectations.
B+ (89-88%)............ Shows above average interest and initiative.
B (87-83%)............ Sometimes does more than required.
B- (82-80%)............ Above average in required work.
C+ (79-78%)............ Does assigned work with initiative and interest.
C (77-73%)............ Does what is expected with some interest.
C- (72-70%)............ Completes most expected work; some inconsistencies in work habits.
D+ (69-68%)............ Does not complete all work.
D (67-63%)............ Level of learning sufficient to pass.
D- (62-60%)............ Meets minimum standards for passing.
F (below 60%) Does not complete minimum requirements.
The grade given during a marking period is derived from a variety of sources including but not limited to: scores on daily quizzes, reports, class participation, and tests. SEMESTER GRADES are a cumulative average of the entire semester including the final exam grade and are recorded on the permanent transcript.
An "I" (Incomplete) is assigned when there has been an excused absence and the required work has not been completed or the examination has not been taken.
Report Card Comments
In addition to grading, teachers are encouraged to select comments which reflect student performance in that course. The student:
- is to be commended for his/her work.
- assumes responsibility for learning.
- pays attention in class.
- completes assignments.
- shows respect for rules and regulations.
- has positive study habits.
- performs well on tests.
- is missing or has late assignments.
- is achieving below ability.
- needs to participate in class more.
- needs to improve study at home.
- performs poorly on tests.
- talks excessively in class.
- does not bring books or materials to class.
- needs to pay attention in class.
- has poor attendance in class.
- has excessive tardies in class.
- is missing term paper or major assignment.
- failed quarter/final exam.
- contact teacher.