Skip Navigation LinksCantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School Parent/Student Handbook > chapter-5-ACADEMICS > section-5-08-Academic Probation, Retention/Transfer

Academic Probation/ Student Success Program

Students with one or more failing grades at the Semester grading period(s) are placed on Academic Probation. Students on Academic Probation are considered ineligible and are required to attend the Student Success Program (SSP). SSP is designed to address  students' academic needs and allows students the opportunity to receive assistance and tutoring in a variety of subjects. Students will be assigned to the SSP if they are:

  • On academic probation
  • Referred by Teachers and/or Parents

Students who fail to attend SSP may be suspended and may not return to school until after a parent meeting.  Students who fail three or more classes during any single year may be asked to withdraw from Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School. Parents may appeal to the Academic Board for continued enrollment if extenuating circumstances or health issues were the cause of the academic problem.

Academic Dismissal

Students may be dismissed by the Academic Board in the following circumstances:

    • Excessive failures in one semester
    • Semester failures not made up in summer school
    • Excessive absences and/or tardiness
    • Not adhering to the guidelines of academic probation
    • Being on academic probation for two consecutive semesters

The purpose of the Academic Review Board is to furnish Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School with a system of "Due Process" in which the rights of both the school and the individual student are respected and treated justly when dismissal for academic failure is a possibility.



