Excessive Absences
A student who is habitually absent from school will be subject to disciplinary action
- A student who has 6 unexcused absences in one semester will be notified regarding her excessive absences and risk of being on Disciplinary Probation. Parents/Guardians will be notified via email as well.
- A student who has 9 or more unexcused absences in one semester will be placed on Disciplinary Probation I and will meet with the Dean of Students in order to discuss how to improve her attendance. Parents/ Guardians will be notified and sent a copy of the Probation form for signature. A Student Success Team Meeting (SST) may be held at the discretion of Administration or the request of the student's parents.
Pre-Arranged Extended AbsenceParents / guardians must pre-arrange a long-term absence for their daughter. To do this, the student and her parent/guardians must do the following:
- Parents/Guardians and Student fill out and sign the Personal Prearranged Absence Form, available in Schoology and on the Parent Portal
- Student obtains acknowledgement and signature from her Academic Advisor.
- Student obtains acknowledgement and signature from the Dean of Student Life
- Students submits the form to the Attendance Office at least 3 days before the absence.
- These absences will be counted toward the student’s yearly total absences.
- Student identifies the work she will miss so she can complete the work while she is absent.
- The school does not guarantee that the student will be allowed to make up all the work that she misses. No early testing will be provided for families who plan vacations during the week of final exams. Students who miss their final exams may receive a zero.
- The Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction and her Academic Advisor may discuss the effects of a long-term absence with the student and parents/guardians.