Since SJHS is a closed campus, the entrances are monitored by faculty, staff and security in the mornings. All entrances are closed when the first bell rings. When a student is late (arrives after morning prayers have begun), she must report to the Attendance Office, which is located on the west side of campus outside the Multi-Purpose Building (MPB)

Please follow these instructions:

  • Drive up to the main parking lot gate and buzz the front office for admittance.
  • Students who drive should park and proceed to the Attendance Office.
  • Parents dropping off their students should park in the designated Visitors Parking Spots, located on the last row of the main parking lot and proceed with your daughter to the Attendance Office.
  • Attendance Secretary will issue a Tardy/Class Entry Slip

NOTE: Students who are tardy and report to the Attendance Office with beverages or food must finish or discard them before going to class.

Planned Tardy (Excused)

Excused tardies are only issued for the following:

  • illness, medical, dental, or optometry appointments (doctor's note required),
  • mandated quarantine due to communicable disease (5 days),
  • court appearance (court note required),
  • funeral attendance (parent/guardian approval and note required),
  • approved SJHS-sponsored activities, and
  • SJHS field study trips.

The student is given an Excused Tardy/Admit Slip (Universal Attendance Form).

Please note that traffic delays, oversleeping, and car trouble are not considered excused tardies.

Unexcused Tardy

The student is issued Unexcused Tardy/Admit Slip (Universal Attendance Form) and infraction. 

If a student is late for a class during the school day, she will receive an Unexcused Tardy and infraction. These infractions are treated the same as morning tardy Infractions, and will count toward total tardies for discipline purposes.

Excessive Tardies

A student who is habitually late for the start of school and/or her classes will be subject to further disciplinary action.

  • A student who receives three unexcused tardies (infractions) in one semester will receive a Misconduct and must serve a detention.
  • If a student receives six unexcused tardies (infractions) in one semester, she must serve a second detention and her Dean of Students will notify both parents and student about her risk of being placed on Disciplinary Probation.
  • If a student receives nine or more unexcused tardies in one semester, she will be placed on Disciplinary Probation and will meet with the Dean of Students regarding her Probationary Period. Parents/ Guardians will be notified and sent a copy of the Probation form for signature. A Student Success Team Meeting (SST) may be held at the discretion of Administration or the request of the student's parents.

