St. Genevieve High School
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topic-4-01-1-School Student Non-Discrimination Policy
topic-4-01-2-Non-Discrimination Documentation
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St. Genevieve High School
section-4-01-School Student Non-Discrimination
topic-4-01-2-Non-Discrimination Documentation
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13.1.5 - Non-Discrimination Documentation (
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13.1.5 - Non-Discrimination Documentation
13.1.5 - Non-Discrimination Documentation
<p><span style="font-weight:700;">Non-Discrimination Documentation</span></p><p>The Internal Revenue Service requires non-public schools to maintain a School Student Non-Discrimination Policy so those schools are recognized as tax exempt.<br><br>Archdiocesan schools must demonstrate this policy by annually publishing the School Student <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=7c52c6b6-eea1-4fc3-ac3a-90f0c442a28e&TermSetId=8b66c3a8-bdfa-4bea-9c29-07c09bf9129e&TermId=2416f95f-383b-4d12-a244-0f98166b15be" target="_blank">Non-Discrimination Policy</a>. The policy may be published in full on the school's website homepage or on the first landing page that is accessible without a log-in.<br><br>For parish schools, the pastor should publish the School Student Non-Discrimination Policy in the parish bulletin. The school should retain a copy of this parish bulletin in the school file. The statement of non-discrimination also should be published each year in the staff handbook, parent/student handbook, and admissions materials. All schools should submit documentation of the published policy to the <a href="">Department of Catholic Schools</a>.</p><p>[Note that by complying with this Internal Revenue Service requirement the archdiocese is not waiving any legal exceptions or exemptions that may apply to it as a religious nonprofit organization.]</p><p>7-7-2021, 8-16-2022, 7-24-2024<br></p>