General school information and calendar updates will be communicated via the school Newsletter. Each Monday, a large Family Envelope containing the Newsletter and other important documents will be sent home with the oldest child. It will contain information from the Principal, Office, School Advisory Council, support groups, etc. Please empty the envelope, read the contents, sign the front of the envelope and return it the next day. Lost envelopes will be replaced for $1.00 fee. The Family Envelope is a responsibility the oldest child must to take seriously.  

The School Office will also use Gradelink emails, Gradelink texts and phone calls to communicate with parents. Parents are expected to respond to the Office, when requested, within 24 hours.

Teachers will communicate with parents via email, phone, or through a messaging system such as ClassDojo and SeeSaw. Parents are expected to check these communication systems regularly for classroom and/or student performance updates. Parents are expected to respond to teachers, when requested, within 24 hours.

