Parents may use email​, phone and in-person meetings to communicate with the Office or the Principal. Parents must schedule a meeting if wishing to speak with the Principal. No "drop-in" meetings will be held. Meetings can be requested via email or by calling the Office.

​​Parents may use email​, ClassDojo/SeeSaw or  in-person meetings to communicate with Teachers. Parents must schedule a meeting if wishing to speak with the Teachers. No "drop-in" meetings will be held. Meetings can be requested by emailing/messaging the teacher or by calling the Office.

In the event that a parent would like to express a concern, the following chain of communication is to be followed:

  1. ​If the concern is regarding an issue taking place in the student's class or with a peer, contact the student's homeroom teacher. The teacher will work with the parent to resolve any issues. In some cases, the teacher may defer communication to an administrator. If the concern cannot be resolved after communication with the teacher, then the parent may contact the Principal. 
  2. If the concern is regarding an issue outside of the classroom, contact the Principal. The Principal will work with the parent to resolve any issues. In some cases, the Principal may choose to include the Pastor or other Archdiocesan leaders. 

