Homework is assigned each day, at the discretion of the teacher. The purpose of homework is to reinforce material already taught and to foster habits of independent study. Assignments of written homework are limited to days on which the school is in session, unless make-up work or long-range assignments are required. 

Suggested homework schedules are as follows: 

Grades K, 1 and 2                     30 minutes 

Grades 3 and 4                         1 hour 

Grades 5 and 6                         1 1/2 hours

Grades 7 and 8                         2 hours

Long-range assignments should be carefully planned so as to avoid last minute rush efforts. If a student cannot finish her/his homework in the time given, a written note from either a parent or guardian with an acceptable written explanation will be accepted provided that this is done only for exceptional reasons and that the homework is made up the next day. It is the responsibility of the student to properly note assignments and complete them on time. Failure to complete homework assignments can seriously affect a student’s grade.

Homework may be assigned Monday through Thursday evening. Unfinished classwork may be sent home to be finished and is not included in the above mentioned time allotments. It is up to the discretion of the teacher to give assignments for students who are absent due to illness or vacation. Parents may contact the classroom teacher for more information. The school must be notified at least two weeks before an extended vacation is scheduled if the parent is expecting to take classwork and homework for the trip. Absences without a note is not considered an excused absence and work will provided only as available.

Classrooms will not be unlocked for forgotten books and homework once school is out. 

If a child is experiencing difficulty, it is important that there be an open line of communication between parents and teachers. It is also very important that parents be willing to spend some time helping their children who need assistance. Education is a collaborative effort.

