Students are promoted to the next grade level when they have attained the adequate knowledge specified in the school curriculum for a particular grade. The teacher will fill in the appropriate space on the report card at the end of the year. Parents will be notified during the second trimester if their child will not be promoted.


Eighth grade students are expected to achieve at least grade level proficiency in order to merit promotion. In addition, all 8th grade students will be expected to complete their service project before graduation. A notice will be sent to the student's high school if they have failed to maintain grade level proficiency and they may be ineligible to receive a promotion and/or attend the high school of their choice. Final grades will be sent to the high school at which the student was accepted. No eighth grade student will be allowed to attend graduation Trip/s or receive a diploma if ALL tuition and fees are not paid in full by June 1st. Eighth graders who do not meet behavioral expectations will not be allowed to go on the graduation Trip/s. More detailed information regarding graduation is given to parents/guardians at appropriate times. 


Due to the time and expense involved with preparing and mailing student transcripts, students

applying to private or Catholic elementary or high schools will be allowed transcripts at no cost during the set filing period (November-start of winter break). There will be a $10.00 charge for each additional transcript needed and mailed after the filing period.​

