General Policy on Emails & Phone Calls  - The policy of St. Martin of Tours School for all students and families is that certain concerns or issues are to be handled in person or on a phone call, not via email where miscommunication might occur.  Please contact the teacher or administrator to set up a time to discuss your concerns. Please remember that between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. a teacher's focus is on the students.

  • Confidential and/or sensitive information regarding students should not be sent via email. Email should also not be used as a means to discuss issues such as student performance, discipline incidents, suspensions, academic difficulties, and any personal information and/or comments about a community member: faculty, staff, student, parent or other individual. In particular, all community members agree to be courteous and professional in communicating, and to refrain from sending or transmitting communications that tend to diminish or critique other persons, groups or the school community as a whole.
  • In general, parents/guardians may anticipate a response from the respective teacher in a timely fashion; however, that response might be sent via email, a telephone call, or a written note.
  • Parents/guardians should not expect to use email as a means of retrieving homework assignments, grades, class schedules, etc.  Teachers will establish classroom specific policies and procedures for the posting of schedules and homework assignments at the beginning of the school year. 
  • Parents/guardians are advised that St. Martin of Tours School email is not considered private and that St. Martin of Tours School and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles do not guarantee privacy for electronic communications.
  • Parents and students should exercise caution in sending and opening attachments in order to prevent the potential spread of computer viruses.
  • All school community members will observe the Archdiocesan code of Christian Conduct in electronic and other forms of communication.

 When you use the school email accounts to contact faculty and staff, you agree to follow the guidelines established above.

 Teachers and administrators wish to be available to students, parents and colleagues.  The school office may be reached by calling: (310) 472-7419.  If you would like to meet with a teacher or administrator, please make appointments prior to the meeting by contacting the staff member through email or the school office.  Staff phone numbers will not be released and parents should not contact staff regarding school matters other than by use of the school phone, ParentSquare and school email.  Teachers and administrators are "on duty" during school drop-off and dismissal. Therefore conferences must not be held at that time.​

