Skip Navigation LinksMaria Regina School > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-16-School Governance > topic-2-16-3-Additional School governance information


Maria Regina School (MRS) promotes policies and activities that are consistent with the school’s mission and philosophy to support high achievement of all students. From time to time, MRS incorporates the involvement of its stakeholders through feedback. School administration seeks to maintain a warm, clear and authentic line of communication among faculty, parents, and other stakeholders. The principal maintains an o​pen door policy, which allows stakeholders to respectfully express their observations and suggestions through formal and informal dialogue. Decisions that impact student learning and the school’s organizational structure are typically made after a review of both qualitative and quantitative data, and are evaluated according to the broader needs of both the students and the school. Accordingly, at MRS, the pastor, administration, faculty, support staff, parents, and students contribute positively to the school culture and various facets of school improvement while the principal and administration facilitate the governance of its daily operation. ​

