Skip Navigation LinksMaria Regina School > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-16-School Governance > topic-2-16-5-Parent or Parent-Teacher Organizations


​Though MRS currently does not have a school board as part of its organizational structure, the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) provides a supportive role to the school community. The school provides opportunities for parents to actively build community by serving as board members on the PTO. The pastor, administration and faculty strive to create an atmosphere that is conducive to the development of students’ spiritual, intellectual, moral, and physical potential through continuous communication with parents and the school community. The PTO, which meets monthly and welcomes reports from the school on all aspects of school life, is tasked with building community relations, organized fun family activities to enhance student life, facilitate fundraising activities to support school projects, as well as increase development and outreach concerns including parent and alumni involvement, among others.​

